Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Is it even worth

There are very few MMOs on mobile platform, and even fewer that has been around as long as we have. I feel it's worth taking that into consideration when determining how "good" (in a broad sense) a game is.

We had an update in November which introduced new features, like the Global Arena, new content, and a huge overhaul to our backend. We have another update planned in a few months this Spring that includes a new area and quality of life improvements.

The community is great! I suggest finding a guild that welcomes new players to make new friends and help with leveling. There are lots of helpful information in the Hints, Tips, Guides section of the forums, so take a look around and maybe we'll see you in Farcrag Castle.

Re: Is it even worth

No bs no bias opinions is it even worth to play this game new rn? without being a plat buyer too. Will this game still be around in a year or 2? is it worth to dedicate lots of time to play or should i play other game if so which

Well, first off...you are getting my biased opinion (because I am a player) and it may or may not seem like bs to you (but that's your fault/opinion not mine) so here goes!

I don't think you need to be a plat buyer to progress in the game. It has the same trade-off that most games do....it saves you a lot of time and effort if you buy plat, but the game can still be played and enjoyed without spending any money at all...it just means there will be a lot of farming if you want to be decked out in gear.

My opinion is that the game isn't going anywhere. It still has a pretty good playerbase with a lot of mostly-loyal players, VR seems set on progressing the game farther and continually updating it, and it wouldn't make any business sense for them to take it up and then close it down right away.

That being said, the playerbase hasn't really had a good chance to see what VR can do. Since they took over last year, all that's been done is upgrading the engine and minor content updates. They do seem to be edging the game more towards an asian feel with the phoenixes and tigers (and the new UI they considered implementing)...but that's just my personal opinion based on the minor content that has been released. We as players won't really know where VR wants to take the game until they release a major update with some big changes (which is looking like it may be around April-May).

Whether it's worth dedicating time to is entirely in your opinion. Do you like MMOs? Do you like growing your character? Trying different skills out? Fighting mobs? Hanging out with other neat people online? Doing boss raids? Fighting other clans for bosses? Then yeah you might enjoy it. There are definitely downsides to the game...a very high level cap means a lot of grinding to get to endgame. Slower boss spawns and low drop rates means that gearing can be slow for certain classes. However, there are issues with any MMO.

I can't tell if it's worth it because I don't know what you value. The only way to find out is to play it for a while.
thx 4 the lengthy message. Me and 2 friends are gonna start playing today! were all going to be a druid and rule the world!

which server has the lowest amount of players??? thats where were going! :) we need to find out the smallest populated one

Re: Is it even worth

Me and 2 friends are gonna start playing today! were all going to be a druid and rule the world!

which server has the lowest amount of players??? thats where were going! :) we need to find out the smallest populated one
A trio of druids could be a very interesting level group. Because a large chunk of druid damage comes from Damage over Time skills like Strangling Vines and Stinging Swarm (which do not stack) it may be a little tricky at times...druids don't have too many choices when it comes to damage skills...pretty much 2 DoT and 2 direct damage. That being said, I'm sure it would work out in most cases. You could always tackle multiple mobs at once, in which case the non-stacking won't really be an issue.

An alternate option (and a much more common approach) would be to each pick different classes. A good combination would be Druid, Rogue/Ranger, Mage (in my opinion). The druid would help keep the group alive while dealing some decent damage, the ranger or rogue would be pretty good damage, and the mage could lure (lower enemy resistances to damage) and deal good damage too.

I can't really help much with a server decision...I'm not really familiar with current server states. I do know that Epona is quite overpopulated because of their gearing methodologies, but that's really all I can say on that matter.

Good luck!
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Is it even worth

There are very few MMOs on mobile platform, and even fewer that has been around as long as we have. I feel it's worth taking that into consideration when determining how "good" (in a broad sense) a game is.

We had an update in November which introduced new features, like the Global Arena, new content, and a huge overhaul to our backend. We have another update planned in a few months this Spring that includes a new area and quality of life improvements.

The community is great! I suggest finding a guild that welcomes new players to make new friends and help with leveling. There are lots of helpful information in the Hints, Tips, Guides section of the forums, so take a look around and maybe we'll see you in Farcrag Castle.
Did I hear... new area?? I love me some new areas, let the hype begin. Post teasers plz
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Is it even worth

I have literally tried practically every single MMO on Android for the past 5-6 years or so. And you know what? Most of them are long dead now. Want some tangible arguments?

Well, Gameloft's Order & Chaos (both of them) are in low maintenance mode, you can find official posts about it on their forums. Low maintenance means that the game won't get any updates or fixes, developers just keeping the lights on and Gameloft is probably the only company that can afford to do that. Why? Because all of their games are and always have been intoxicatingly pay-to-win.

Asobimo makes good MMOs, if you want to check them out. But be warned that the general game design is suited more to Asian market and all of their games have horrible English translation. For some it's a minor issue, but I'm a grammar Nazi and have a major OCD so I couldn't force myself to play their games to full extent. Their games are good though and you should definitely give them a try.

Next up we have Villagers and Heroes. It looks generic, art-style is hilariously bad and combat may seem clunky at first. But! If you can pass these hurdles and force yourself to dive a bit deeper in it you'll find a robust crafting system, unique housing feature and most importantly one of the best communities I have seen in an MMO. That may be because of lack of PvP, I am not sure, but the people there are super-friendly.

I could also mention a poop ton of "games", if one could call them that from mostly Asian developers that build their games seemingly from a universal schematic: cluttered UI, non-sensical story, gender-locked classes and most of all automated combat and questing. Absolutely incomprehensibly stupid approach to design a game. And most of MMOs on mobile are like this, unfortunately.

And of course you have Celtic Heroes: 8 years on the heavily saturated market and still going strong. One of a kind setting that's not some generic Korean fantasy excrement, no gender-locked classes, 5 fleshed out and more or less balanced classes, intuitive UI, gorgeous graphics, unique art style, one of the best communities (some servers have toxicity problems, but it's bearable) and honest and justified monetization system. Add in the fact that CH was acquired by a new development studio which means that it's inevitably going to add new features and fix current problems and you have the most complete MMO experience on your piece of pocket plastic.

In the end, you have 5-6 games that are really worth putting your time into. It all comes down to your personal taste and whether or not you have enough raw brain power and keen sight to distinguish a diamond in the rough from a smelly dookie.

Re: Is it even worth

Been here since late 2011 and throughout the years I have tried to get into other mmos, but CH is one of the most unique ones & have stayed on here even though it can dull at times.
World: Lugh
Clan: Pegasus
Rob155: 225 Warrior
Robsranger: 226 Ranger
Robtherogue: 190 Locker

Re: Is it even worth

Been here since late 2011 and throughout the years I have tried to get into other mmos, but CH is one of the most unique ones & have stayed on here even though it can dull at times.
There’s a lot of players that have been around since the very early days (2011-2012), I myself am from early 2012. Really shows a lot when there are many many players who have stuck around for 7+ years and continue to actively play. And this game hasn’t even hit its maximum potential, not even close, and yet it can keep players around for years... I still see a very bright future for this game

VR is yet to unlock that gold mine they have in front of them. In 2 years with a constant flow of content updates I’m sure they will have unlocked it, and this game will see a big rise in popularity. That’s if they do things the right way
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Is it even worth

I’ve only been playing for just over a year, but with the help of amazing people in this community I’ve learned quite a bit... way more than I would have on my own. Let me tell you, having experienced players guide you through the gearing and leveling is much easier than learning on your own. And this game is full of players more than happy to lend a hand.
Occasionally I’ve tried taking a peak at other MMORPGs, but Celtic Heroes is the only one that I’ve actually enjoyed and the closest to my idea of “the perfect mobile game”. It has the graphics, gameplay, backstories and (being a huge fan of the Celtic eras) Celtic mythology. Wouldn’t suggest another game more than this one.
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

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