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Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

Hey Bob,

I think you are missing the point. You are still looking at Unit from a perspective rooting back to BadaBing.
Nowadays (past aside), our clan saw a steady increase of players and has been working with Colours for a long time now. If you would like to check out Unit or Colors feel free to message any of the clan members.
"By steady growth you mean as Res kicks people Unit gains a few. All but 2 people active in Unit either came from res or were 100% blacklisted. From that standpoint, unit was the only option for all but 2 people."

Unit currently has 20 active toons, check leaderboard if you would like. We have successfully recruited in the past and I have no doubt that this will change in the near future. Instead of giving players the wrong perspective on our clan I'd like to ask them to come check us out. Again, our members have also joined your clan and vice versa.

"The clan is the exact same as when Sape and Bada worked together, no difference. I have talked to people who have now since gone inactive who are in unit and they said it "is the same as bada" when trying to recruit me when I first rejoined the game."

It think you are exaggerating this a bit, no clan can be compared. But again, I wouldn't be knowing the details on that since I was only stayed with BadaBing during 2011-early 2012. Unit is clan driven by players that have similar goals and we've always done our best to reach those. We are providing our players with unique chances to tackle some of the hardest bosses with minimal numbers.

Your stay might have not been the best however it has been the home of many.
Unit & Colours

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

Hey Bob,

I think you are missing the point. You are still looking at Unit from a perspective rooting back to BadaBing.
Nowadays (past aside), our clan saw a steady increase of players and has been working with Colours for a long time now. If you would like to check out Unit or Colors feel free to message any of the clan members.
"By steady growth you mean as Res kicks people Unit gains a few. All but 2 people active in Unit either came from res or were 100% blacklisted. From that standpoint, unit was the only option for all but 2 people."

Unit currently has 20 active toons, check leaderboard if you would like. We have successfully recruited in the past and I have no doubt that this will change in the near future. Instead of giving players the wrong perspective on our clan I'd like to ask them to come check us out. Again, our members have also joined your clan and vice versa.

"The clan is the exact same as when Sape and Bada worked together, no difference. I have talked to people who have now since gone inactive who are in unit and they said it "is the same as bada" when trying to recruit me when I first rejoined the game."

It think you are exaggerating this a bit, no clan can be compared. But again, I wouldn't be knowing the details on that since I was only stayed with BadaBing during 2011-early 2012. Unit is clan driven by players that have similar goals and we've always done our best to reach those. We are providing our players with unique chances to tackle some of the hardest bosses with minimal numbers.

Your stay might have not been the best however it has been the home of many.
A clan with the exact same members is not the same? That doesn't make any sense. If you enjoy the gamestyle of unit thats fine, all I'm saying is that I know the rhetoric and beliefs about the game that come from Units leaders first hand, dealt with it for over 2 years. Sure you may be trying to paint a better picture on the forums... but almost anyone who was in unit/colours that had a choice out took it, and there is a reason for this, very few players enjoy playing just to prohibit others from getting gear.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

Regarding the previous posts,

Good for you that you were in Unit and/or Colours. Sorry to hear that you have felt negativity towards the clan(s) in which you were in. I can ensure that this negativity does not exist (my perspective). Unit has always been a very small clan (>25 members) and in order to compete with the rest we have to be strict with times and logging. This as it seems wasn't for you and that perfectly fine. You found a new home with a different culture. We are a very tight family as much as all the rest of the clans in Arawn.

Nowadays (past aside), our clan saw a steady increase of players and has been working with Colours for a long time now. If you would like to check out Unit or Colors feel free to message any of the clan members.

Jaegar, you are entitled to your own opinion. Again, if you would like to check out Unit or Colours feel free to message any of the clan members.
Issra, maybe transfering to another server would help out.

We can discuss clans all day long but as long as you haven't been in the ones that you are talking about you can never come to conclusions.
Competition will always remain in Arawn, check out what all the clans have to offer and I can assure you that one will have what you are looking for.

Lets keep this respectful.
Lol bob was yelled at by your leaders for not attending a hrung because he had a class to attend lmao.. why so fake on forums show people who u really are.. at least with me I know I can be a a$$ sometimes but at least I'm real and don't hide behind a fake persona just cause it's public.. but one thing I'll never do is belittle anyone in my clan because they have school or real life things to attend too that behvaior in and of itself is disgusting if hrung is that important u might wanna re evaluate your life ijs.. have a lovely day cheers :)

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

I wouldnt say res wanted nothing from the arrangement with ds. Well im not in res so i guess i shouldnt say so, but from the perspective of a ds member i wouldnt say res helped us purely from the kindness of their hearts. Unit and colours were often dominating s and t. There often was times when ds or res alone would not have been able to outlock the comp. Only together in a mix clan group would we have been able to. Thats what I believe the agreement was for, to change a losing battle into one that is winnable. If it was purely just to help us, there wouldnt have been times when ds and res were competing separately at s and t during the months that the agreement ran. Neither would res have rolled on drops in the mix group if all they wanted to do was help ds. I will say tho, ds did get the most out of our alliance because often at the time the agreement was made, ds normally had a small lock group, and res did give us quite a bit of drops while the alliance ran. So yea we benefitted from working together. I would say it was a lie bob, that res "wanted nothing" from the alliance, cause you guys beneffited as well. Maybe not to the same extent as ds but res did.

And what do you mean by us poaching res members? We did not go around asking res members if they would like to join us. Some just left res and pmed our leaders asking if they could join us. For some of them, they were just not enjoying res and wanted a change in environment. Nothing wrong with that. Not complely related to the topic, but i remeber seeing in old valiant mox binders how res leaders were asking val members to join res, telling them how much better res is than val. Thats what i would call poaching, but to each their own. Anyways those res members that asked to join, we didnt take their request lightly. It was discussed among us, and we would ask some res members about them(often the clansman in res just had good things to say about the ones we took in(maybe not relevant but they said good things about the character of the person, opposite to the description some res leaders would tell us), before voting on if we would accept their request to join

Now I tell the whole story bear with me this will be kinda lengthy but I'll break it up as I go along..

Did the alliance between ds and res start as a mutual agreement yes.. was it because we couldn't outlock unit and colours alone not entirely.. our best rogue lock groups are just as comtepetive as any that unit or colours can put forward I myself have arguably the best geared lock rogue on arawn.. with that being said myself and many others can't attend every boss that at the time unit or colours would camp non stop almost 24/7 the same ppl over and over again.. so yeah the primary agreement was mutually beneficial in a sense on off hours so we could sleep like human beings..

Now with that being said I did many things that deadstrike here casually omits from his posting.. yes res won rolls but what he doesn't tell u is that many many times when a drop that me or my clan didn't need and we won't it I still gave it to them out of nothing but kindness.. I also started them up with 20 horns (non purple) because we have many and I wanted to get some of them geared up was nice to do something selfless for others yet that part was also omitted from deadstrikes post..

Now our agreement started to grow stronger and friendships were forgered personally I became very good friends with liv arronheln dragonsouls chieftain spoke to her quite often and even in some cases confided my frustrations with a lot of things in game and in my real life..so in a sense it became more then just a mutual agreement between clans on only sreng and troll.. we have also had joint hrung kills where I let them keep 2/3 drops.. and have also helped ds kill legacy's and solo hrungs without asking for anything in return ( note ds never once offered or showed to help kill a necro proteus or a gelebron)..

Now we also had agreement to keep certain ppl (scammers, ppl who had left clan on bad terms, etc etc) out of the other clan in a show of unity.. this is where it starts to break apart.. one player who had left the server after he stole some gear from res came back a couple months later.. this player was mutually agreed on to be blacklisted from both clans but when he returned ds took him in still I wasn't happy but I looked past this..

Now said player recruited a player from res who I just gave rogue edl mh and oh too.. not poaching each other's clanmates was also part of our mutual agreement and if anyone needs proof I have snapshots of that rogue admitting he is leaving because his friend had just returned and asked him to join him in ds mind u a player we had mutually agreeed would be best left off the server..

Now for the coup de tat so to speak the last member taken by ds has stolen numberous drops from braves bank never returned them as he was once a former leader, he has also been cought blackmailing a player in res trying to get password info for a account ( I have snapshots of this too prove if any are interested).. and he also has borrowed gear on his toons from ppl who still reside in resurgence which he refuses and has yet to return (basically scamming)..

So I ask this what did res or myself do wrong here besides trust someone and a clan basically helped get them going.. now it seeems that all integrity is lost and it's just do whatever it takes to get a lock since unit/colours has dissapeared from server.. res wasn't the clan that changed went back on our agreement here ds did.. they didn't need to bring in these people and basically condoning scamming and blackmailing behavior because I would have gladly helped them progress myself which I have been shown already to do so in the past..

Lesson learned I suppose don't trust ppl I guess and I won't get a knife in the back from someone you think is a friend.. thx for reading the truth have a nice day everyone :)

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

For further proof how one sided this was look through some of the older threads and the recruiting done by bob and by liv.. bob always spoke of ds in his posts and recommended them as well as our own clan.. I always remember liv's posts speaking about ds only..

Oh and the one member who left ds for res arigue did so on her own accord returned all clan gears and borrowed items as well to ds.. something that's clearly not done in return and ds still condones such behavior not even on borrowed items and stuff taken from a clan bank in braves.. just more food for thought.

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

I also see certain leaders of resurgence selling drops, repeatedly breaking clan rules, alienating long term members, unfathomable talking members behind closed doors, provoking certain members just to get them in trouble and all the while, certain gens just sweep it all under the carpet and hide it from the clan. You and I both know bigd, only reason gens have told the clan to keep out of it till the issues are all solved is you dont want truths to come to light.

Btw, thx for telling ds leadership that i personally tracked down a players mum on facebook and harassed that mum just to try stop ds from recruiting me. You and i both know that is in no way true. Nice to see how far you will go to stop ex res members from joining comp after there is nothing left for them in resurgence. When i was told that by a ds leader i was shocked. I always took you for an honest man. I was so wrong.

Will be my last post on this matter. Have fun everyone :POP: :POP: :POP:
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Regarding Recent Forum Complaints Against Resurgence...

I also see certain leaders of resurgence selling drops, repeatedly breaking clan rules, alienating long term members, **** talking members behind closed doors, provoking certain members just to get them in trouble and all the while, certain gens just sweep it all under the carpet and hide it from the clan. You and I both know bigd, only reason gens have told the clan to keep out of it till the issues are all solved is you dont want truths to come to light.

Btw, thx for telling ds leadership that i personally tracked down a players mum on facebook and harassed that mum just to try stop ds from recruiting me. You and i both know that is in no way true. Nice to see how far you will go to stop ex res members from joining comp after there is nothing left for them in resurgence. When i was told that by a ds leader i was shocked. I always took you for an honest man. I was so wrong.

Will be my last post on this matter. Have fun everyone :POP: :POP: :POP:
I have a snapshot of u saying u were gonna find that persons mother and let them know about their daughter.. anyone who wants to see it is more then welcome to message me I'll show u the snapshot since ventius wants to come and lie he seems to be very good at it and very mainuplating but proof is proof and I can't allow bullying and real life harassment in my clan.. try and apply for ds again tho I'm sure they will take u this time they have seem to set aside any standards and or ethics just for the sake of a tiny bit of power.. maybe u could even help them finally kill mordris since that's what ds seems to want to sell their souls for..

Dragonsouls the clan with no soul kinda ironic..

Now shoo vent go find another little girl to pick on tough guy... have fun on epona if any of the clans there wanna see what this guy is about hmu I ain't hard to find I don't hide who I am.. bye :)

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