Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

I don't know how many MMOs you have played, but griefing takes many forms. It's not just simply impeding some other clans raid.

And yes, I stand by my statement that anyone who feels griefing is okay, does have morality issues.
So you'd put them in the same boat as child abusers, child molesters, women beaters, and vegans? Those are the kinds of people I consider having morality issues.
You consider vegans having morality issues? lol, what have they done to you that you lump them with criminals? What about vegetarians, are they one step behind from rapists? lmao
Vegetarians are filthy vile creatures!
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan


So you'd put them in the same boat as child abusers, child molesters, women beaters, and vegans? Those are the kinds of people I consider having morality issues.
You consider vegans having morality issues? lol, what have they done to you that you lump them with criminals? What about vegetarians, are they one step behind from rapists? lmao
Vegetarians are filthy vile creatures!
Ima vegetarian and were in game friends how could you do this to meee

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan


You consider vegans having morality issues? lol, what have they done to you that you lump them with criminals? What about vegetarians, are they one step behind from rapists? lmao
Vegetarians are filthy vile creatures!
Ima vegetarian and were in game friends how could you do this to meee
You're different than all those other vegetarians
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

what I meant was if you keep grieving in all nerco we had idk how you want to have peace here if you stop it will stop we did everything you want but you keep saying we pulled blue ghosts without proving it and I am sure no one did you are just saying that becuz you want to grief in next necro we lock that's it . I know you will reply saying we are who started but the fact you have nothing to prove here, it's very obvious your clan who started it but you can't just admit it. I have another ss for our first necro we won in lock battle and you kept two of your members standing at aoe life steal and that is grieving as u said, before that we never been at necro except for two times once we got necro without your knowing and one something like 1 year ago while we are killing your clan came suddenly and healed necro till its rage just becuz you can't accept losing in the game.
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Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

lmao, sure...show the ss when we grief AFTER you guys did.

And during the week of negotiations, Seela says she is interested in peace as well, in the meantime, look what Havoc is doing several minutes after we have won lock:
LOL, better ask why Artio a mage is pulling ghosts, and why Jeesss is lingering north of the bridge, which we have said we would clear out of if we lost lock. Looks like your warriors and rogues got out of there

So yeah.. here we are, griefing each other again.

Just yesterday, MD7 had a field day at Mordris camping. Again, I ask you, for what purpose would he have to drag HP and trolls on our campers? Seela wants to take this out of the agreement and won't agree that intentionally killing campers is griefing. Is it because MD7 loves doing it and she can't put a stop to it? Yep, looks like it.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

what I meant was if you keep grieving in all nerco we had idk how you want to have peace here if you stop it will stop we did everything you want but you keep saying we pulled blue ghosts without proving it and I am sure no one did you are just saying that becuz you want to grief in next necro we lock that's it . I know you will reply saying we are who started but the fact you have nothing to prove here, it's very obvious your clan who started it but you can't just admit it. I have another ss for our first necro we won in lock battle and you kept two of your members standing at aoe life steal and that is grieving as u said, before that we never been at necro except for two times once we got necro without your knowing and one something like 1 year ago while we are killing your clan came suddenly and healed necro till its rage just becuz you can't accept losing in the game.

Oh man. We have always been like that... you grief us we return love. It's so simple. Be the better people? We'd love to and we've tried that and it doesn't work, it just lets certain individuals clan walk all over us and get away with it. This was our retaliation because your clan griefed us first to lost our lock in the first place 10-15 minutes prior. Do we really need to take screen shots to prove ourselves? This was also what lead to another one of your clanmates to lose their mind and post his point of view on an open platform hoping it would deter newer players from wanting to ever join Avalon. You want Avalon out of your hair? Great! We want your clan out of ours too. Let's not grief eachother mmmk? Read the stickied tread, follow the guideline and all parties will be as happy as pie. All Ail did was post publicaly what he's been going back and forth with seela because we are all tired of waiting her. He's trying to make peace and you do nothing but accuse him of trying to run the server. Why not just be happy someone is trying to do something about exactly what your crying about?

Oh and by the way it was me at your first necro attempt watching with a dead Ava camper and a couple others who were nowhere near me and way outta the way of lifesteal range. When it raged it ran aroun like a headless chicken and yes I got hit but I assure you it was an accident. I apologized right away when accused and even some Havoc whispered me and said all was ok because they knew it was an accident. I assure you it wasn't my fault you guys wiped. Necro is really hard when he's raged.

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

lol that happened after you start griefing at our necro I am talking about the necro that you wiped at it ( becuz your second tank came too late and u don't help in killing Acolyte during the lock battle lol) and when we locked it in the next lock battle u start grieving and bringing more than 20 toons to heal it..and what do you expect you can grief and ruin our bosses without any reaction from us???
offering us some peace ok lthats what we have beeing waiting for it .let's see in next necro if they really gonna play fair,,, less than 3 days later and exactly in the next necro after your peace offer....
just LOL , so who started it during the week of negotiation ?????????????? you can just admit it and start a new page or you can keep arguing about pointless things that will never change the future and that's why I said you are the one who decides how this server will be run. just think about it. :)

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

Lmaoooo so when has killing a camper messed up your raid? You guys share accounts anyway, why not just let em log one of your tanks that wont die from aoe :roll:

Re: Sigh, no peace in Morrigan

And so what? That screen shot of your clan grief it was on May 22nd, nobody cares. This is so stupid. Quit crying and arguing so we can move on? Ail's leading us in an honest effort for a peaceful Morrigan. Why make it so difficult? Why change the subject? Do you guys not want to work at it? What "negotiations"? You want our permission to waste our plat by killing my campers? Just no. It bothers us and you know it. Why not just stop doing it? Is that so difficult?

We don't share accounts for crying out loud and even if we did, what does that have to do with this thread? We don't need them! Do you have any idea how many alts we all have? It's insane I know! We simply don't need to share. I personally think some of your clan toons are shared as well but whatever, I can't always prove it and I really don't care.

What more can we do?

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