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AOE Bosses Ruin The Fun of DPS

I remember in early celtic heroes, bosses attacked the tank like they should and druids all focus on healing tank. And the dps classes could focus on actually making thier build best damage per second. But with prot and the obelisk etc having 2k plus aoe skills very often, you have to not only have to waste restos and lix to stay alive, but also you cant even focus on a dps build anymore, you have to put a ton of points in vit or have a lot of health bonus gear. And when you are using points in vit or using gear based on health bonuses to stay alive when bossing that takes away the point of dps. i think it would be fun to go back to bosses attacking 1 target and dps being able to focus solely on skills and stats that make their skill damage and autos and attack higher. I mean when we chose rogue we didnt want to be tanks we wanted to be the damage dealers, but you took away the fun of putting all points in for getting max damage because if you did you would be constantly dead at prot etc. And this isnt a suggestion im just saying i miss the old way so dont put to suggestions section. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Mattsneak Lvl 220* Rogue
Matthewgone 142 Ranger
Owner of Danu's Only Shadow Necro Dagger
Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi80S8 ... 6IQduEXiKA

Re: AOE Bosses Ruin The Fun of DPS

I think it was a good change and made for variable builds. if it is still the same as Stonevale days, everyone but the tank would be on 10 vit builds.

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Re: AOE Bosses Ruin The Fun of DPS

Its not the AoEs that are the issue, its how strong they have become and how frequent they became. It is in such a point where the single target attacks are not really noticed.
Also, back then an AoE wasnt always a radius AoE, but it had a front line range (dragon fire) or target-based radius (smolach), but now there are so many AoEs its annoying.

What I hate is attack speed slowing skills like Rotor Blades, the fact that they can slow ur attack speed on haste is practically draining ur elixirs for nothing. I need to run so much from proteus its horrible, and can get caught by his freeze.

AoEs are a must in every mmorpg, but they shouldnt be so frequent like they are here.
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Re: AOE Bosses Ruin The Fun of DPS

I love the direction OTM has gone with the big bosses. The game actually requires you to put some thought into grouping and builds/wards. With that said, I do agree that close range DPS took a hit with these new bosses. Rangers seem to be the clear-cut top DPS now. I can see how rogues would see this as frustrating, but having every boss be a simple "tank and spank" would really cheapen things for me.

Rotor blades is a huge pain though, I will agree with that!
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Axon, 226 Rogue
DollaBeez, 217 Druid
CecilKain, 220 Warrior
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Golbez, 183 Mage

Re: AOE Bosses Ruin The Fun of DPS

I disagree, the more strategy required the more immersive the boss is
Heard of druids....?
first of all you quoted your original post not mine so thats stupid in itself, but that isn't the point. The point even with druids you still need a tanky build with aoe constantly hitting 3k plus over and over.
Mattsneak Lvl 220* Rogue
Matthewgone 142 Ranger
Owner of Danu's Only Shadow Necro Dagger
Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi80S8 ... 6IQduEXiKA

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