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PvP Balancing

Just wanted to post about my concerns with the changing of other classes and the addition of PvP in the next update.

From the chatter on the mage forums, mages may be getting a rootlike spell to make the Ice Magic line a bit more viable.

What scares me about this is that they are already likely to get a boost in damage and/or aoe spells as well. This may not affect a ranger in pvp, but the root abilities will cripple a rogue for sure. I think a decent length cooldown will be required on this or you'll just have mages chain rooting other players in pvp.

Is there anything in the works for rogues for update 3? I don't see much beyond changing druids and mages. I am not asking for a rogue buff, but I am interested to think if rogues are seen as overpowered by CH Management.

Is it likely that rogues could see a vanish or disarm trap ability in the future? Any stats that could help resist a root ability?

Obviously it's all theoretical, but I would rather not have to wait until the next update to be able to play my rogue if pvp comes out and rogues get eaten by rooting classes.

With the way Hide currently works, you are not hidin from other players; it just reduces aggro range to 0.

Without hide working against players, you have three classes that can slow

Ranger - Bolas
Druid - Root
Mage - Freeze (speculative, other classes still an issue)

Being that rogues are essentially melee glass cannons, you'd be forced to pump vitality to hopefully survive the barrage of attacks while snared.

Maybe a shadowstep ability? Would put the rogue behind the target and remove all impairment effects, but would have a long CD? Maybe ideas to play with in PvP Beta.

Just something for Admin to consider, not a complaint nor QQ. I'm sure CH Management will make the choices which are best for the game.

I would rather be proactive than reactive ;)
-------ALDHELM -------- lvl 95 Rogue ------- God of Damage ------- Crom ------- AZURA ------- lvl 61 Druid ------- Noob Heals ------- Tanaris -------

Re: PvP Balancing

Beta testers will work on the balancing, I'm sure they will do a good job.

Admin said that all classes will get new skills.

I love your shadowstep idea. +1

Another thing I'd read on the forums before was a "throwing dirt" skill that blinds the target for a few seconds, so you could use sneaky mid-battle.

Traps is more of a ranger thing though.

I really hope that you can use hide in PvP as in actually hiding from the player. But even if it reduces aggro range to 0, it would work (player won't be able to attack you, but you could attack him).
Selene (Mage) 134 | Xellaya (Druid) 110
Clan: Uskoci
World: Arawn

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