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Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Well, Truehatred, you're certainly showing your namesake. Props to that. While I am unfamiliar with mamba besides the fact that they believe their 205 Mage has a chance vs my ranger, which is fine :) and wonderfully hubris. the reality is, judging by what I read on these forums and peoples perception on what makes a good ranger, I'd say it's likely mamba could know a lot more than some of these people who really are removed from things like logic and sense.
210 now, and closing in on 215 fast ;) I'm sure I could give you a run for your money on a boss that is fair for casters vs melees. Just hard to find the definition of a fair boss lol
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

He may know a lot but all I'm saying is he hasn't played a ranger so i don't think he should be able to put input on builds when he has no experience with the class whatsoever
I don't need to own a ranger to understand how they work. Having played the game at a high level for this long, while having enough common sense to understand how the game works, in addition to frequenting other worlds/betas to talk to high levels about their builds; I think it is safe to say that I am in a position to give beneficial advice to almost all players of any class.

I am positive that if given an average geared 200+ toon of any class, owned by the average player, I would manage to find a way to make it better without using rarer gear.

Not trying to turn this into a brag thread (and this is directed towards truehatred) but...I have gotten 3 hrungnir kills as a dps druid. I have gotten a hrungnir kill as a full vit mage against hasted edl bow rangers. I have soloed boggan 5*'s with a full focus build without using any pots. I got skain 6* kills as a level 206. I have yet to lose on any 5/6* 210 from current event

I'd list more, but I think this demonstrates my competence in this game in general. I'd like to hear truehatred give his expertise on any class, or explain why he thinks I'm not allowed to simply ask a question in this thread just because my main is a mage lol
Anyways I'm done arguing with you about rangers i see that you cannot understand the point I'm trying to make but about that full focus mage thing with no pots tell me how do u do that? Ive tried it before but i always die or i need to lix with a warrior any tips?
Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you.

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Well, Truehatred, you're certainly showing your namesake. Props to that. While I am unfamiliar with mamba besides the fact that they believe their 205 Mage has a chance vs my ranger, which is fine :) and wonderfully hubris. the reality is, judging by what I read on these forums and peoples perception on what makes a good ranger, I'd say it's likely mamba could know a lot more than some of these people who really are removed from things like logic and sense.
As much as I doubt I can outdps a ranger Id gladly try to compete with u sometime, although that would be only possible in beta but in betas there are enough players to outdps the two of us :)
Rangers' dl/edl offhand really makes it hard to beat them, Id love something like that for my warrior ofc, its quite an insane boost imo.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

I would hardly class any rangers under 220 endgame lolz, galbron is 220 and endgame no? So 212 makes you nowhere near close to compete at endgame. Ive tried dex build and in 2 levels i will be going dex build, this is why im always in a dps group bc im the ONLY ranger on the server who has a decent sharpen weaps and provides a little extra dmg through my puppet rogues! I may not get the kill but my input is worth more than you 200/215 "endgame rangers". Get to the top before judging please, we all have our own styles of play
Last edited by Gazz on Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Back to the original question though, i dont think rangers can outdps a rogue if the rogue is set up real good on most bosses (excluding necro). I believe that all classes compensate each other like a jigsaw, i.e. wards from druids help others survive, then the expose weakness helps us bolas/entangle etc, so in my opinion rangers should go at least hybrid at the real "endgame" to give our buffs to the other real dps. If i sharpen up 7 rogues at 140/150 each thats a lot of extra dmg and more dmg overall (including my autos still, which will also hit more bc of my attack increase) than me trying to go full str and going solo. Thats my opinion anyway, each to their own i guess but i still destroy the str rangers on my server!

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

How can you outdps anything with that gear? Are you even 220? How can you be 220 without edl armour.
You sound like a troll who just read the last post lol. I want my role to be support, not pure dps. Edl isn't as easy to come by on a quiet server, but i just need 1 ench I think for full edl.

Tell us how to play ranger please, dex, str or support

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