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Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Cause I didn't claim to be endgame, nor do I even use a ranger :) but if I had one your level I'm 100% sure it would be better than yours
U do know that on android it's not as easy to get edl. And I can confirm that acid is an end game ranger and that you wouldn't be better than him at his level.
Since I'm not on android, at his level I can get edl armor and much better gear, making me a better ranger lol

And acid, can you explain what you're doing then? All I see you doing is telling people they're wrong without giving a shred of evidence to back up your evidence.
"are you endgame ranger? No? then gtfo"- is what you're saying
let's hear what you have to say about this matter to prove you're an endgame ranger
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Try to stay on topic heroes, I would rather not lock another thread that has turned into fights.
Lvl up muldar nub so you can give some first hand feedback to the team.
Trying to but I have to deal with you rowdy bunch all day ;)
Nice, Muldar. Throwing in some back talk.
I kinda gave this thread a skim and I didn't see anyone mention it, but rangers getting kill on necro. Idk if that's a good tell since necro has immunity to poison which negates some very useful rogue skills. Just a thought. Also, the ranged combat modifier to damage is hardly worth writing home about so I wouldn't factor that in as being a Savin grace. Dex ranger is hurt, it is true that a high dex ranger however can yield similar dps due to the fact that the higher attack lands more hits and equaling out. But I stand firmly as far as their skills. Long shot and sharpshot still not worth it Imo. And my opinion has been forged through trial and error, different gear, and crunching numbers. Conferring with other rangers whom are similar to lvl with different gear, and swapping to see results for myself. I'm lvl 226. Been doing this a long time too incase you're wondering how I came to this.

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

before i was able to get attack/dmg gear i used to be dex ranger on endgame bosses, and out dps rogues on necro, mord, hrung and edl (Not always but quite frequently)
but now I am full str since we had some nice drops :D

imperial sharpshot mord brace,(fast swapped with +5 barbed shot brace)
royal dmg attack hrung brace,
garanak frost set
dark str hp energy helm
godly emberdrake ring
2 imp emberdrake rings

double shot
barbed shot
steady aim
sharpen wep
Eritand, lvl 224 ranger
Datire, lvl 220 rogue
Eriwarrior, lvl 220
Some nub named mage, lvl 175

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

before i was able to get attack/dmg gear i used to be dex ranger on endgame bosses, and out dps rogues on necro, mord, hrung and edl (Not always but quite frequently)
but now I am full str since we had some nice drops :D

imperial sharpshot mord brace,(fast swapped with +5 barbed shot brace)
royal dmg attack hrung brace,
garanak frost set
dark str hp energy helm
godly emberdrake ring
2 imp emberdrake rings

double shot
barbed shot
steady aim
sharpen wep
Would like to know what kind of gear do your rogues use? Do you have EDL quiver, did you get kill over EDL rondel rogues?
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Serious Question to Endgame "DEX" Rangers

Yes u do post of things u don't have knowledge.
Do u have an end game ranger toon? No.
In that case u talk about stuff u heard and not experienced.
So just pls stop.
Do you have an endgame ranger as well, or is your sig just really outdated? I don't think you can consider yourself an endgame ranger at this point if you don't have edl armor set and bow, at the very least.

And it is fairly reasonable to compare edl bow rangers to rogues with only dl weps. Look at the number of 220+ rogues and rangers; that'll explain the difference in gear. High dex build does seams feasible in some cases. Not for the skills, but for the increased attack. On bosses where most of your damage is coming from the divine amount you may as well increase your attack as much as possible, if it means sacrificing 150 auto dmg (which might only hit 20 dmg average)
You're a mage get off ranger sections -_-
Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you.

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