Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Whats your favorite PC/Console game and why?

Now i know almost ALL of us play games on PC or xbox/PS3. I was just wondering which are your favorites, oh and if theres a CoD/BF3/Halo arguement keep it clean.

Now My favorite console games are Hale, Battlefield, and CoD i play everything :P
My favorite PC games are TESIV Oblivion, Minecraft, TF2, and Counter Strike and MY MOST FAVORITE Anything made by Ensmble studios (Age of empires or Age of mythology)

Aight lets see whatcha play


Re: Whats your favorite PC/Console game and why?

I dont know if this counts.... But i play many online flash RPG's :)

I love me a good ol, turn based RPG, with quests and everything :). My favorites so far are Sonny 2, Legend of the Void 2, and Epic battle fantasy 3.

If any of you guys have a good recommendation on a turn based rpg, let me know :D
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Whats your favorite PC/Console game and why?

When it comes to RPG's, this game cannot be beat :D
But if we're talking about my favourite game of all time then it has got to be "age of mythology-rise of the titans expansion" that game holds so many of my memories and has consumed many of my hours. I still remember mucking around with the cheats and summoning flying purple hippos and exploding chickens to do my biddings :twisted:
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies..”

Re: Whats your favorite PC/Console game and why?

http://www.notdoppler.com/legendofthevo ... =randombox
I dont know if this counts.... But i play many online flash RPG's :)

I love me a good ol, turn based RPG, with quests and everything :). My favorites so far are Sonny 2, Legend of the Void 2, and Epic battle fantasy 3.

If any of you guys have a good recommendation on a turn based rpg, let me know :D
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World: Taranis
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