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Re: Most useless mage build

I believe if you had the best cooldown gear for ice it would be very superior since it would decrease your cd by more than fire would, kasha a ice Mage has been getting a lot of 210 full (event)kills recently and she has great cd gear like godly necro braces
lol what? If the cooldown reduction for both skills is an equal percentage, it would boost the dps for both by an equal percentage. If fire is better dps then ice without any skulls, fire with skull is still better than ice with skull (by an even larger margin). Some people should stop skipping their algebra classes
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills :D

Re: Most useless mage build

Cooldown gear affects more than just the skill it is reducing the recast of. It throws a wrench into your entire skill rotation if you don't spend the time adjusting properly for it. It could both increase and decrease your dps depending on whether or not it's used properly.

With a void shards skull for instance, if you aren't casting ice shards the second it cools down each and every time then you aren't getting a true 30% reduction. If you ARE casting ice shards on cooldown each and every time then you may be losing dps elsewhere by not casting a different skill on its cooldown, which could further screw up your next round of skills.

Basically what I'm saying is if you want to maximize your dps, or maximize the effect of your cd gear, then putting a lot of work into a proper rotation is a MUST.

Re: Most useless mage build

Rocksteady, clearly you're not up against equally geared fire mages. I did the math, and even before the instant fire bolt update fire mages were doing a considerably larger amount of damage over time.

Obvious exceptions are 205, 210.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Most useless mage build

In his original post he uses the term "in a single shot"...sry have to disagree with you Armo, I believe shards (using the numbers he posted) will do more dmg than anything a fire Mage can do. I don't want to start an argument over who does the most dmg over time...that's not what was stated.
LoneHawk - Mage - General Resurgence
Korac - Rogue

Re: Most useless mage build

I was replying to this:
Not using any cooldown gear with my ice build but even our top rogues and fire mages are hard pressed to kill anything over me and the other top ice Mage on Danu. 205/210 is an easy ice kill, we get those every time. 185/195 are weak to fire but I have killed those as ice build plenty of times as well. I get 9/10 Skain kills and every carrow dl kill. Even managed to out dps some pretty good rogues once for my first mordy kill :D

I have some very good gear and I utilize the hotbar fully. So it's definitely more than a "one is better than the other" scenario. Good gear helps and knowing how to play it and build it helps just as much.
Not the original post. Obviously ice mages hit harder than fire mages.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Most useless mage build

Okay, sometimes I deal 9.8k in a shot but on a regular scale it is 6-8k while fire mages with much less focus deal regular 7k damage with almost no flux. Plus on edl bosses, ice doesn't even tickle them. I have been ice throughout the game because of the drama over fire drops.
I ride Kelpies and I swim in Deluge for I am one with Manannán mac Lir.

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