Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Toxic of Sulis Dino Kill

Dino was intended to be taken down by powerful clans with top end gear... it’s a progression boss, not a boss any endgame clan can get their hands on. That being said, it’s reasonable for one to scratch ones head at the fact that 2 clans, one of which is on Nuada who’s had big set backs thanks to the mass bans due to duplicating and the other being in close ties with that clan in Nuada happened to take it down within 3 days from one another. Given how long it’s taken other clans of respectable strength and knowledge of the boss to get around dino, it makes your strategy questionable... so how was it done? The clan in Nuada if I read right claimed to have only attempted it 3 times total.

Either VR did a terrible job at making it a progression boss which I doubt given how long it’s taking clans to kill the thing, or the strategy works around mechanics of the boss (possible exploits, not making any claims). Or I might be completely wrong, and I certainly can’t be the only one that wonders. Won’t ever know unless the strategy is given
So keep wondering lol. We don't care. Strategy isn't getting shared.

Or you could try being dedicated and figure it out rather than always waiting for the pros to share their methods?
I don’t care about using your strategy for my own advantage... besides, Epona does server attempts anyways. I’m questioning it because it’s sketchy af
It's sketchy because a group of like minded people share a common goal between 2 different servers? Far as Sulis being home of the "2nd most powerful clan in the game" I'm pretty sure the insects on our planet outnumber the human race, somehow we manage to stay on top tho. Better to be just a regular Joe in the world than King of the roaches.
The Meat

Re: Toxic of Sulis Dino Kill


So keep wondering lol. We don't care. Strategy isn't getting shared.

Or you could try being dedicated and figure it out rather than always waiting for the pros to share their methods?
I don’t care about using your strategy for my own advantage... besides, Epona does server attempts anyways. I’m questioning it because it’s sketchy af
It's sketchy because a group of like minded people share a common goal between 2 different servers? Far as Sulis being home of the "2nd most powerful clan in the game" I'm pretty sure the insects on our planet outnumber the human race, somehow we manage to stay on top tho. Better to be just a regular Joe in the world than King of the roaches.
Considering there's over a quadrillion ants in the world alone that is a safe assumption.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Toxic of Sulis Dino Kill


2 today, was at Dino for a long time today
Total. Before today
Multiple on nuada, none on sulis.
Toxic walks in, never attempted dino before as a clan but has players from Nuada who downed it 3 days prior but with different toons with different gear capabilities... kills in 2 tries. Some strategy you have there lol. Must make dino a cake walk
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: Toxic of Sulis Dino Kill

Total. Before today
Multiple on nuada, none on sulis.
Toxic walks in, never attempted dino before as a clan but has players from Nuada who downed it 3 days prior but with different toons with different gear capabilities... kills in 2 tries. Some strategy you have there lol
I guess that analyzed it really well. What else do you think they could have done?
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Toxic of Sulis Dino Kill

Total. Before today
Multiple on nuada, none on sulis.
Toxic walks in, never attempted dino before as a clan but has players from Nuada who downed it 3 days prior but with different toons with different gear capabilities... kills in 2 tries. Some strategy you have there lol. Must make dino a cake walk

We were there for 3 hours, with multiple attempts. That’s not a cake walk.
Sulis, Toxic
TheOG 224 dps druid
Godly BT helm

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