Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Bloodthorn

since when is one overpopulated server a representation of the entire game
Never said it was.
Also I said one clan not one server hehe so when a single one of eponas numerous clans gets 40 active t8 offhands I will indeed be impressed
That is true and may be harder. Unsure if any one clan has that many.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Bloodthorn

Krummy’s post was about how it’s an unrealistic expectation, then you turn around and post that one server is on track to come close to meeting it.
If only one server is coming close to the total picture needed that would signal that a larger change to the design and mechanics is necessary.
Most servers can bring more than 40 only the very underpopulated ones can't. The 40 is a baseline for toons with t8 offhand, so if you have 20 toons with t8 offhand and then an extra 25 who don't have t8 offhand you should still be able to kill based on how easy it is once you have the required dps.

So whether it’s 40 or 60 none of that matters, the bigger picture of this thread is that the boss is designed bassed off of a misjudgement of player base size and as a result it’s only possible for one server due to it being the only server of its kind (and as a result everyone who would want a server like that is on one server boosting player quantity).
As otm said previously the boss wasn't meant to be killed on day one only after 7+ weeks, just wait it out till you have 20-30 t8 offhands, a lot of servers can manage this. Then attempt and if it still won't die you can provide feedback on that.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Bloodthorn

Krummy’s post was about how it’s an unrealistic expectation, then you turn around and post that one server is on track to come close to meeting it.
If only one server is coming close to the total picture needed that would signal that a larger change to the design and mechanics is necessary.
Most servers can bring more than 40 only the very underpopulated ones can't. The 40 is a baseline for toons with t8 offhand, so if you have 20 toons with t8 offhand and then an extra 25 who don't have t8 offhand you should still be able to kill based on how easy it is once you have the required dps.

So whether it’s 40 or 60 none of that matters, the bigger picture of this thread is that the boss is designed bassed off of a misjudgement of player base size and as a result it’s only possible for one server due to it being the only server of its kind (and as a result everyone who would want a server like that is on one server boosting player quantity).
As otm said previously the boss wasn't meant to be killed on day one only after 7+ weeks, just wait it out till you have 20-30 t8 offhands, a lot of servers can manage this. Then attempt and if it still won't die you can provide feedback on that.
I agree 40 people can be brought, but how many have edl offhands? Also most are going to need to be rangers and rogues, how many clans have 25-30 rogue rangers with edl offhands?

We will have to wait and see, but regardless whether or not it ends up being feasible it’s a question over whether or not the raid mechanics are designed in a way where the boss kill expierence is fun. It seems a lot of players don’t want a DPS race boss and would prefer a strat orientated boss.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

They don't need to all be rogues, mages and warriors do very well on the roots. Warriors have offhand now so their dps is better now than before.
Agreed but most clans hold mages as a support class and same for wars, so you won’t find many decent dps versions of these classes unfortunately.

Mages do really good damage on BT as well, I never lost a kill in beta (not bragging, just using this to support my claim mages are decent on the boss).

I agree some patience is needed but I would like to see a strat based interactive boss instead of one that is just a dps race.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Bloodthorn

They don't need to all be rogues, mages and warriors do very well on the roots. Warriors have offhand now so their dps is better now than before.
Agreed but most clans hold mages as a support class and same for wars, so you won’t find many decent dps versions of these classes unfortunately.

Mages do really good damage on BT as well, I never lost a kill in beta (not bragging, just using this to support my claim mages are decent on the boss).

I agree some patience is needed but I would like to see a strat based interactive boss instead of one that is just a dps race.
Arawns bloodthorn kill was firemage (hoho)

Re: Bloodthorn

Never said you can?

I wasn't I was giving krummy a reason to be impressed, read his post again :lol:
Do u just search for reasons to stir up stuff in every topic? Stop being the spokesman of every server or against every server. Really just stop. Speak for ur own server and clan and dont constantly add the stings u do in every comment of urs on other clans and servers.
Never said I was speaking on behalf of every server, I’m saying that saying because one server can do C is not a reason to justify any mechanic or design. There are multiple servers and hundreds of players out there, and for any one person to think that because they can do something on one server is reason to make an argument for a whole game mechanic to either stay the same or change, is ridiculous.
Of course I can’t speak for anyone but myself, and I can only speak for situations of which I am personally familiar with, that much goes without saying. But this concession doesn’t forbid me from thinking big picture of including multiple servers in a synopsis or a hypothetical to create a picture for discussing game mechanics. In this case multiple servers, I’d argue overwhelmingly the vast majority of servers, have put forth data and information that argues that even if everyone had the new offhands it wouldn’t change anything. I’m not sure why you would put forth the position that I don’t have the ground to make that claim. I have personal knowledge of two servers, talk in depth with those on another, and I have read the reports from countless others. Why is this not enough information to say that it is inappropriate for a boss to be designed for more than 30 players with edl offhands (as these are what determines how many T8 offhands there can be, much more so than “patience”).

If you think I have overstepped what I can claim give me a reason for it and I’ll listen to it, but don’t just say that I’m arguing for things that are beyond he scope I have authority to discuss off of a simple baseless claim that I shouldn’t do X because I just shouldn’t. If I were to change my mind on an issue just because someone has a contrary opinion I’d be a mindless naive monkey. I’ll gladly respect your argument if you can give me reasons however, I think I have demonstrated that restraint quite well over the years...

So let me summarize, if you don’t mind :P
My argument is not against any one server, but rather it’s a criticism against the boss design that I hope OTM can take constructively to redesign it for a better expierence for us all. The heat of this discussion seems to be over the “we should just be patient” claim that was made and the subsequent response. I don’t get what the anger is over this discussion...
But... but... I was talking to Chaotic..
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Bloodthorn

Do u just search for reasons to stir up stuff in every topic? Stop being the spokesman of every server or against every server. Really just stop. Speak for ur own server and clan and dont constantly add the stings u do in every comment of urs on other clans and servers.
Never said I was speaking on behalf of every server, I’m saying that saying because one server can do C is not a reason to justify any mechanic or design. There are multiple servers and hundreds of players out there, and for any one person to think that because they can do something on one server is reason to make an argument for a whole game mechanic to either stay the same or change, is ridiculous.
Of course I can’t speak for anyone but myself, and I can only speak for situations of which I am personally familiar with, that much goes without saying. But this concession doesn’t forbid me from thinking big picture of including multiple servers in a synopsis or a hypothetical to create a picture for discussing game mechanics. In this case multiple servers, I’d argue overwhelmingly the vast majority of servers, have put forth data and information that argues that even if everyone had the new offhands it wouldn’t change anything. I’m not sure why you would put forth the position that I don’t have the ground to make that claim. I have personal knowledge of two servers, talk in depth with those on another, and I have read the reports from countless others. Why is this not enough information to say that it is inappropriate for a boss to be designed for more than 30 players with edl offhands (as these are what determines how many T8 offhands there can be, much more so than “patience”).

If you think I have overstepped what I can claim give me a reason for it and I’ll listen to it, but don’t just say that I’m arguing for things that are beyond he scope I have authority to discuss off of a simple baseless claim that I shouldn’t do X because I just shouldn’t. If I were to change my mind on an issue just because someone has a contrary opinion I’d be a mindless naive monkey. I’ll gladly respect your argument if you can give me reasons however, I think I have demonstrated that restraint quite well over the years...

So let me summarize, if you don’t mind :P
My argument is not against any one server, but rather it’s a criticism against the boss design that I hope OTM can take constructively to redesign it for a better expierence for us all. The heat of this discussion seems to be over the “we should just be patient” claim that was made and the subsequent response. I don’t get what the anger is over this discussion...
But... but... I was talking to Chaotic..
That makes a lot more sense :lol:
Cuz I was confuzzled
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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