Celtic Heroes

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Re: OTM Recants Stance On anexaders CelticHeroes.Net Website

After so much time spent getting it up and running. Least you could get is an explainition from OTM..

OTM actually has given an explanation several times. It has to do with the fact that all of the info on his site was taken from the game's code (or something along those lines). OTM doesn't like that. So...yeah.

Aileron is right though, pretty much every single game has some sort of wikia. I wonder when OTM is ever going to do that for CH.

Muldar, can you comment on OTM's thoughts on a wikia

They stopped doing a change log on updates. So a wikia is basically out of the question.
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Re: OTM Recants Stance On anexaders Website!


Whats your problem?

I think it was mentioned a little earlier, but he who cannot be named has a website with a list of all the items in CH, OTM bans it from mention on forums due to the list of items being taken from the game's code. I use it once in a while, simply because OTM doesn't have a wiki of it's own. (Although I don't use it much, due to there not being any interesting new content :roll: ).
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Re: OTM Recants Stance On anexaders Website!


Whats your problem?

I think it was mentioned a little earlier, but he who cannot be named has a website with a list of all the items in CH, OTM bans it from mention on forums due to the list of items being taken from the game's code. I use it once in a while, simply because OTM doesn't have a wiki of it's own. (Although I don't use it much, due to there not being any interesting new content :roll: ).
Actually my comment was directed at those that can't say <ops name> because it's censored it. So far, I'm the only one to say it in this thread without it being sensored or possessive.

Re: OTM Recants Stance On anexaders Website!

website was fun and kewl to check items etc gele drops before downed gj on that etc all the listing anex! also player profiles were cool feature.
i think we should all blame Muldar so we have someone to pick on !!,
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Re: OTM Recants Stance On anexaders Website!

You put colour edits in the word, do you want a medal for that or something?
Nope lol!
But if people want to say it, they should just say it correctly, rather than having the forums change it.
#I use the website, and I have a copy of the recompiled resources sitting on my desktop.

I really don't get it, muldar can you please talk to your team, because honestly, when I see an update out, I check *the unnamed site* a lot to see all the new content... It would be great if it's either sanctioned *this site* or ran something similar of their own.

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