Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The issue with idols

I agree with option 2 but it should only be for bosses, like once you hit it , it starts however for the major plat heads it won't effect anything and plat killing bosses will continue in some cases.

Re: The issue with idols

Well it will become too costly eventually

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

Die 7 times within the time set and you have used 125 idols
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The issue with idols

there is nothing wrong with using idols, why do you think they put them in the game?

To assist you, not do the work for you
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The issue with idols

My rogue hates the idea.... The rest of my chars think it sounds intriguing, because i agree that groups should be well rounded and thought out, when killing bosses.

But It opens up a huge opportunity for griefing, esp on multi group bosses, where its pretty easy to get another teams' druids killed.
Shaden - DPS 180+

World : Herne

Clan : Britannians

Re: The issue with idols

Current state of the game it would suck, my point of view is that of target lock coming, and it will suck hard if a craP group can lock and idol the boss for an hour
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The issue with idols

i play rogue as main, only alts are a 116 mage and 90 ranger

i like this idea because i want to earn content, i feel pride in myself and my clan when we do something very well. it disgusts me when i see a group of warriors and rogues idoling a boss because they dont bother to put a proper group together
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: The issue with idols

Right, so we all have used idols, I use them too, a good chunk of my plat goes towards idols. My question is this, should we be able to use idols indefinitely to "kill" a boss and is this going to be fair in the update when target lock arrives.

I have to answer with no, that idols should be used as an asset or help when you die once in a while, but they should never be the driving force behind a boss kill.

Think of it like this, you have an organized, prepared group with the necessary Druids and tanks and dps, but an all dps group decides to idol kill the boss. The boss is the obvious winner of the fight as he killed each and every one of them 10+ times but they just idol and get back up. How is that fair to the group that put the time and effort into being balanced so that they could kill the boss properly?

I understand that many people feel that idols are a part of the game and should be used however they like which is the issue I would like to address. These are my suggestions;

1) death penalty, easy enough to implement, take a stats hit when you idol, would stack if you idol multiple times within penalty time

2) idol need increases per death within a time period
Eg, first death is 1 idol, second is 2, third is 4,fourth is 8, as you can see each subsequent death would make idoling more expensive, would have to be within 15 minute of first idol or so

3) remove idols completely, otm can send out an in game message saying idols will be gone in the update, people will stock up and conserve them

4) Have the boss heal for as much hp you have whenever you idol this means that the group will need to keep everyone alive in order to kill the boss (as it should be done)

That's all for now, feel free to comment
Please keep this on topic as this is rather important to me

Thing is, that needs to be fixed for more than idols. Let's take Super XP's as an example. Super Xps Lixs as of now are not a luxery, they are a necessity, which I find completely ridiculous not to mention stupid. The XP we get while lixed is what we should get non lixed.

Re: The issue with idols

Why would there be a death penalty with something you buy with real life money. I think that's crazy in all onesty I understand a death penalty from laystone but not idols not at all. What u are doing is trying to make game work best for your clan right now. I will tell you this if Avalon falls the ideas you have made will come back to haunt you. ATM there is no rel competition in game. When pvp, sieges etc starts it will be different clans will break up im sure of it. Because you will only beable to take 1/2 groups in it. Now everyone is gonna want to do it but the same people will be chosen each time. Clans will split to smaller clans and then bam ur gonna need a few idols for bosses. Death penalty sucks in all onesty it's a terriable idea and I can only see a the game not benefiting from it and OTM losing money. Which means slower update and game will die out for sure. Yes you may get a few clans killing bosses they shouldn't beable to but I'd rather that then game failing which could deffo happen from such a dramatic change
Brookie1 lvl 172+ rogue rosmerta. Best damn rogue ever! Clan awakening

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