Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Double plat

Yep. True. We shall see when the dust settles. For now we have moved on to other things. Which is what happens when you get a way from a game you played daily. Which is in fact the danger to long absences.

Re: Double plat

Wow Nuada gets not one reward for going through this past week! Not even a gift or anything. I have never been in a game that did not reward players for going through delayed server start. This was days. And to not have the XP weekend. Wow. Do you not care about us at all?

Re: Double plat

Wow Nuada gets not one reward for going through this past week! Not even a gift or anything. I have never been in a game that did not reward players for going through delayed server start. This was days. And to not have the XP weekend. Wow. Do you not care about us at all?

It was not a delayed server start, it was half of nuada trading with suspicious accounts.
Fingers crossed they’ll bring back the xp weekends for those people who were innocent in all this mess
Sulis, Toxic
TheOG 224 dps druid
Godly BT helm

Re: Double plat

Nope. Most of us feel bad for our clannies. Many whom have spent many dollars on this game. We have just lost our heart to play. Mistakes were made. Yes. But our server is ruined. VR why can’t you help us out.

Re: Double plat

Nope. Most of us feel bad for our clannies. Many whom have spent many dollars on this game. We have just lost our heart to play. Mistakes were made. Yes. But our server is ruined. VR why can’t you help us out.
Your players ruined your server, and they weren't "mistakes". They were largely intentional decisions to cheat and steal on a massive level. If your sympathy is for your clannies who were banned, then it is misplaced.

Re: Double plat

Nope. Most of us feel bad for our clannies. Many whom have spent many dollars on this game. We have just lost our heart to play. Mistakes were made. Yes. But our server is ruined. VR why can’t you help us out.
Your players ruined your server, and they weren't "mistakes". They were largely intentional decisions to cheat and steal on a massive level. If your sympathy is for your clannies who were banned, then it is misplaced.
Probably about 2% of the server was banned, the other 98% suffered and didn’t cheat or steal on any level.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

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