Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

My masterful plan to bring in new players

So we all know celtic heroes is a great game and is slowly loseing ints members and no new ones coming in because celtic heroes refuses to advertise the game or sponsor any big you-tubers to promote it so here is my idea and will require the whole celtic heroes community to help.

So we find any twitch streamer that does celtic heroes gameplay that is willing to support our cause .Once we have like 100-200 viewers on his stream he then hosts many streamers that have around 50 viewers or more then we talk about Celtic heroes .The people viewing may or may not see what the game is but some will download the game and enjoy it. then we leave and repeat to another streamer till it has some decent exposure around twitch streamers.

someone should also set a discord up so we can plan it .we probably only need like 100- 200 ch players that way its more effective.
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Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

That's a great idea, and anyone in the community is absolutely welcome to start streaming. I don't know of anyone who currently does, but there might be someone.

I wouldn't necessarily agree that no new players are coming in, I usually see a lot of lower levels playing (at least on Sulis) - the problem is that most get tired of the game early on, and don't make it to endgame or even midgame, which says more about the game and the players themselves than about the advertising. VR has said they do some small advertising, which is definitely possible. The problem with advertising is that it's quite expensive. Same with trying to sponsor someone to play your game - it can be pretty pricey, and may not result in much of an increased flow.

I like the idea, and I think that if someone starts to stream CH, their main focus should be on keeping players engaged - not drawing in new people (though that definitely doesn't hurt). Like I said, I don't see much of an issue with new players trying the game - the tricky part seems to be keeping them engaged past level 40-60, when the grind slowly starts to begin (you can't just bounce from quest to quest to level up). If there was more engagement there (from recognizable streamers to even endgame players on the server) then players might feel more invested. That's partly why I love the idea of feeder clans - give new players some support from endgame players, while keeping them engaged by steady round-the-clock endgame players, while still being grouped with players their level, at their knowledge level.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

The problem is that having more players doesn’t actually help all that much. Over population is a thing because of how small this game really is lol. Every player works towards the same narrow goal and it creates bottlenecks. Word of mouth and randomly stumbling across this game is just enough to keep things where they’re supposed to be without overcrowding being a serious issue (unless if players try to funnel into one server such as Epona lmao).

As Eragon pointed out there are plenty of new players coming into this game, but the problem is trying to keep them engaged so they can reach endgame. That being said VR really needs to figure out how to keep those player engaged if they want to see them stay. One of the biggest problems imo is how boring and grindy leveling is in this game. Things really start to slow down once there are no more quests to grind (which are much more fun and engaging to do than lixing) and when they see that big number 220 running around they realize that they still have a long ways to go with the boring grind and that turns them away. VR needs to work on making quests that lead up to endgame, and focus more on areas that serve as alternative leveling zones versus constantly expanding upon endgame... one step at a time.

I really would not suggest investing into advertising until this game has grown 2-3 times larger content wise
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

There is a CH discord already, has a little over 500 people and I run it
Link - https://discord.gg/WeWFev9

Also I really really don't think sponsoring high sub youtubers is the way you want to go, they will just make soulless content that says "oh yeah this game is great", people join, and almost immediately quit because said person doesn't back up the game further then that. Worse then that, you are out the money basically, when you could have spent it on something to actually make the game better.

If you want to go the video route, it would be best to support the content creators the game already has, as...
- They know what the game is actually about
- People can actually see and talk to said people ingame
- It would encourage more people to follow in their footsteps

There are plenty of CH content creators, each covering different aspects of the game.
Some even do unique stuff like ----------> https://www.youtube.com/furyion <---------- (wink)
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

The only way someone would be able to stream CH is if they had a really really good personality. There are a few YouTubers I watch who I think could just sit and talk to a wall for a few hours...and I'd enjoy it. However, playing CH can sometimes be even more boring than that, so it remains to be seen whether it could work.

Like friddoo said, you would have to be more of an IRL streamer than a gamer, since the only attraction would be the personality.

Another thing to keep in mind is that having someone stream CH could have the exact oppose effect - people might see them grinding at endgame, farming or camping or leveling, and get turned off to CH because of the monotony that can be so common.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

Another thing to keep in mind is that having someone stream CH could have the exact oppose effect - people might see them grinding at endgame, farming or camping or leveling, and get turned off to CH because of the monotony that can be so common.
Half of the reason I don't stream or make videos on endgame stuff.

CH is much better for videos then it is for streaming, since the content can be edited/shortened/controlled. Not only for that, but interesting stuff happens at the randomest times, so it's hard to pinpoint when "events" will occur when planning stream times. You would either be left with typically boring content, or you could film when said interesting stuff happens but you may not get many viewers if the times are random/very late or early. In both cases it would have been better to just make a video with that same content.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
Do you like Celtic Heroes? Join the Official Unofficial Discord today!

Re: My masterful plan to bring in new players

Ch is not a streaming game at all
It can be if the person streaming has a great personality perfect for streaming and is entertaining. Streaming just endgame content though is really no fun because endgame is boring, that won’t bring new players in when they realize there’s only 4 endgame bosses and they see how uninteresting the fights themselves are (necro is the only entertaining boss to watch, I would always watch Biteys necro videos a long time ago). Doing more interesting stuff like challenges or farming for rare mobs would be much more engaging because people enjoy watching that kind of stuff (yes even grinds for rare mobs, because the reactions are always great when you get what you want).
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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