Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Most populated servers

Yes, VR is busy working on Warhammer Odyssey, and yes, CH seems to have been pushed to the side. However, does that mean that the game is dying out? No not really. It's quite possible that once VR gets Warhammer Odyssey out and running, they will be able to go back and dedicate more time to CH. We honestly don't know, and any guesses until that happens is just that - guesses.
Um, for an MMO that depends on a loyal player base, and the whole intent of W.O. to migrate players from CH, how can this obvious cannibalization not mean the game is dying out?

I'm simply reading the writing on the wall and making an executed guess as to the future. We shall see...

Re: Most populated servers

Yes, VR is busy working on Warhammer Odyssey, and yes, CH seems to have been pushed to the side. However, does that mean that the game is dying out? No not really. It's quite possible that once VR gets Warhammer Odyssey out and running, they will be able to go back and dedicate more time to CH. We honestly don't know, and any guesses until that happens is just that - guesses.
Um, for an MMO that depends on a loyal player base, and the whole intent of W.O. to migrate players from CH, how can this obvious cannibalization not mean the game is dying out?

I'm simply reading the writing on the wall and making an executed guess as to the future. We shall see...
Just as a friendly note, even well thought out guesses don’t mean truth until they are proven right or wrong. The guess that the game is dying hasn’t quite been proven yet. It still seems pretty strong to me.
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Most populated servers

Yes, VR is busy working on Warhammer Odyssey, and yes, CH seems to have been pushed to the side. However, does that mean that the game is dying out? No not really. It's quite possible that once VR gets Warhammer Odyssey out and running, they will be able to go back and dedicate more time to CH. We honestly don't know, and any guesses until that happens is just that - guesses.
Um, for an MMO that depends on a loyal player base, and the whole intent of W.O. to migrate players from CH, how can this obvious cannibalization not mean the game is dying out?

I'm simply reading the writing on the wall and making an executed guess as to the future. We shall see...
I don't agree at all about the intent of WH Odyssey being to migrate players from CH. There is no evidence towards that being the intention (if you see that anywhere, please tell me). On top of that, it doesn't really make sense to me, either from a player perspective or from a developer perspective.

Sure, some CH players will probably try it out once it's released (I certainly will) but from what I've seen about WH Odyssey is that it'll be quite a bit different from CH (still not confirmed though, since all we have is the website and some engine footage). I doubt players will suddenly start to quit CH and go to a brand new game altogether (at least not in the large amounts that you seem to be implying), especially if they don't know anything about the WH lore (which apparently is the main draw to that universe for most WH players).

If, however, players do leave CH for WH Odyssey...than good for them - they found a game they liked better. That's not CH's fault, WH Odyssey's fault, or VR's fault - it's simply a matter of personal preference as to what games you like to play.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Most populated servers

Yes, VR is busy working on Warhammer Odyssey, and yes, CH seems to have been pushed to the side. However, does that mean that the game is dying out? No not really. It's quite possible that once VR gets Warhammer Odyssey out and running, they will be able to go back and dedicate more time to CH. We honestly don't know, and any guesses until that happens is just that - guesses.
Um, for an MMO that depends on a loyal player base, and the whole intent of W.O. to migrate players from CH, how can this obvious cannibalization not mean the game is dying out?

I'm simply reading the writing on the wall and making an executed guess as to the future. We shall see...
I don't agree at all about the intent of WH Odyssey being to migrate players from CH. There is no evidence towards that being the intention (if you see that anywhere, please tell me). On top of that, it doesn't really make sense to me, either from a player perspective or from a developer perspective.

Sure, some CH players will probably try it out once it's released (I certainly will) but from what I've seen about WH Odyssey is that it'll be quite a bit different from CH (still not confirmed though, since all we have is the website and some engine footage). I doubt players will suddenly start to quit CH and go to a brand new game altogether (at least not in the large amounts that you seem to be implying), especially if they don't know anything about the WH lore (which apparently is the main draw to that universe for most WH players).

If, however, players do leave CH for WH Odyssey...than good for them - they found a game they liked better. That's not CH's fault, WH Odyssey's fault, or VR's fault - it's simply a matter of personal preference as to what games you like to play.
Adding to this, I agree that many CH people will look at WHO, but I would also expect the converse: WHO players checking out the other game by this studio (CH). (On that thought, a subtle self-promo within WHO for CH wouldn’t go amiss :lol:)
And there likely will be those from among that number who like WHO, and therefore lose interest in CH, but for those who have invested time and effort into building in-game relations and accruing gear, I don’t see it being all that likely. (This is setting game content, lore, loot boxes, etc entirely aside and just making broad assumptions.) An exception to this of course being those with a “dead” server looking for a new beginning, (there’s the full circle lol), but again, I’m not sure that was the original purpose in this thread.

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