Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Forum population count

How many people is actually using the forums, be it fanatically, casually or from time to time?
There is the member section that tells you have many people are registered, but I can't find any good way to find out who still uses the forums and who have gone missing.

This has to do with the petition thread with how many votes it should take for OTM to consider the petition, and the lowest amount of votes would be 100, however the thread that currently has the highest vote count only has 61. Unless we do a massive campaign to recruit people to the forums, we will never have a minimum of a 100 vote or achieve over 70% in the thread that are currently quite even in every choices...
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Re: Forum population count

Alot of people have Forum accounts but do not comment or make their own posts.

The thing the Petition Board needs is a draw to it- players have to WANT to go there for it to be successful. If OTM acknowledges its existence AND shows that at least some of the things propsed there get implemented in a timely manner, THEN players will flock there when they want things changed.

If OTM doesn't show any interest in the board or if it becomes another F&S or old Petitions board then players won't care for it.

If it's to be successful it needs to be useful.
Would you kindly?


Re: Forum population count

I've actually counted this a few times based on the last active count on the forum.

As of today (Monday 6th of June)

104 - Active day users.

227 - Active 2 day users.

281 - Active 3 day users.

That is roughly what it is usually but normally hitting about 300+

Re: Forum population count

I've actually counted this a few times based on the last active count on the forum.

As of today (Monday 6th of June)

104 - Active day users.

227 - Active 2 day users.

281 - Active 3 day users.

That is roughly what it is usually but normally hitting about 300+
for a game with 18 different servers and probably 2000-5000 super/semi active players thats horrible you definitely need more links between game and forums to swell the numbers
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Forum population count

a majority of players are children (Below the age of 18) and probably haven't seen the appeal of online forums. The other majority are adults. Then we have the minority of youth from about 18-25 who are either still schooling or just beginning to get jobs.

As someone in the "Youth" minority I can say that not very many people like me enjoy Forums. They either like other Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or they just play the game and leave it at that. For some reason not many of them want to get involved with forums.

Cannot speak for the Adults as I don't know all their reasoning, but with children they either haven't got that interest or their parents don't allow them.

BUT a huge contribution would be that the Forums does not have as much exposure as the Facebook and Twitter pages do. It would be nice to have a little button in the game with a link to the forums. In fact, make a small Bulletin Board next to the Courtyard Leystone and have small "Advertisements" in the form of updates, links, information posted upon it.
Would you kindly?


Re: Forum population count

a majority of players are children (Below the age of 18) and probably haven't seen the appeal of online forums. The other majority are adults. Then we have the minority of youth from about 18-25 who are either still schooling or just beginning to get jobs.
you contradicted yourself, if the majority is children the minority is adults lol.

That wasn't the point of my post though, this may hold true for beginner-midgame but at endgame there is much more adults than kids.
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Forum population count

Everything summed it up quite nicely.

Due to the games 12 + rating a lot of our player base are quite young so don't see much of the appeal of joining the forum.

Most of those on the forum are end game iOS players then mid level iOS and Android (More iOS)

I myself am hoping to have more links with the forum in-game in future updates, small button in social that gets you here.

For the moment be sure to tell your clannies to join us! More the merrier ;)

Re: Forum population count

Everything summed it up quite nicely.
Due to the games 12 + rating a lot of our player base are quite young so don't see much of the appeal of joining the forum.
Yea but the active vocal part of the community(endgame) are mostly adults and possible would join forums and vote on ideas if prompted
Most of those on the forum are end game iOS players then mid level iOS and Android (More iOS)
yep in short: adults
I myself am hoping to have more links with the forum in-game in future updates, small button in social that gets you here.
That all? i was hoping something like making an account in game makes a forum account under that name, also have a thing in farcrag where people can vote on trending polls on forums in game to increase the base of people voting and giving ideas
For the moment be sure to tell your clannies to join us! More the merrier ;)
Thats all? lame...
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Forum population count

a majority of players are children (Below the age of 18) and probably haven't seen the appeal of online forums. The other majority are adults. Then we have the minority of youth from about 18-25 who are either still schooling or just beginning to get jobs.
you contradicted yourself, if the majority is children the minority is adults lol.

That wasn't the point of my post though, this may hold true for beginner-midgame but at endgame there is much more adults than kids.
Bad choice of wording but you know what I meant lol.

There are much more children and Adults than "Youth" or 18-25yo's.

Yes, it is true that most EG players are Adults. There are the few children and there are alot of "Youth". The Children and Youth tho tend to not care much for the Forums. Adults are mature and know what Forms are about and what to expect, and may seem more drawn to it.

But as we can see not everyone on Forums is mature, we do have some children who may or may not gotten their parent's permission :lol:
Would you kindly?


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