Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Another vague and twisted answer, well done. Besides you already admitted that you were a part of these clans...so your opinion is taken with caution.
Ya sorry, as i said i'm not a pro english speaker, and i'm aware that my answer are often vague. Sorry about that. :evil:

back to the topic:
If that is the case why do these clans kill Bene Players on sight in arena, whisper abuse to them and try and prevent them from doing bosses? They are FORCING their idea on Taranis, which is wrong. Only making thmselves look like idiots in the meantime.
Arena is the ONLY way players have to pvp ingame (duel...let's not talk about this lol, they arent optimized at all). Using this exemple is either twisted from you. It's a PVP aera, what did you expect from it? lol . If it please you to kill someone in arena, well the one here are aware of that and should fight back. OTM made it even clear...a PVP aera called ARENA...cmon lol!!
I get your point here I'm not fully aware about Bene ations or so. But NOTHING should stop them in their revolt if that's what they truely want. I mean don't tell me u expected the clans u accuse of those abuse (rime he!! :D ) to say: "OH, you want to stop and kill us? ok do so we are leaving, have a nice day". That's naïve. They also fighted during years in order to build this. And trust me it was hard enough... Doesn't it feel right to you that they try to defend themselves ( not saying you directly attacked them, well idk exactly here...but you seem like a threat to their peace)...
I bet you will turn it into "dictatorship killing revolt at birth.

And i tell it again...they are settled since age. You have two choice: with them or against. I believe...you choose against lol. So be it, i won't judge, and mabe itll be good, mabe bad, idk and idc. But deal with it, you won't achieve yout goal just by hoping they will leave. Show themselve that their system doesnt work that well. 8-) 8-)
So no that excuse is weak and pathetic, if people feel that twisted idea is beneficial then join Pride or Aeon, but NEVER prevent other players from experiencing the game. NEVER for one second think that your group of friends can hijack other peoples fun just becauase it benefits you.
Well, aren't you ruining THEIR gaming experience? (don't tell me they started first :twisted: :roll: lol). What you ask benefits you and your friends, but probably not them...think about that.

This fight is defenitively a conflict of interests, and even if you claim to be for freedom, you are only talking for and about a part of the server.
OTM have not blocked this yet? Maybe they should take note as to why this is hurting their buisness.
Continue harming OTM by driving people away and ruining an otherwise enjoyable game because of your own selfish "rules".
that's a common argument over server fight man, and i don't see what it has to do here?
Each server arent full of flowers, and if you want a change change start a war or go on a FFA server. But it doesnt suit every players...and if this concept work on taranis isnt that mabe...well its suitable here??

thanks :D
happy gaming! :D

I'm a guide, clic my sig to pm me!!

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

The rules have done nothing but cause conflicts. Its only common sense to reach out to the unsatisfied players to find out what they are upset about and then try to fix the problems to satisfy the public. They basically enforced rules and forced everyone to follow those rules whether they like it or not, the players have no say in anything because Aeons and Pride only care about themselves. These rules were made in favor of Aeons and Pride. Sounds like a dictatorship to me #Kim Jon Un
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

The rules have done nothing but cause conflicts. Its only common sense to reach out to the unsatisfied players to find out what they are upset about and then try to fix the problems to satisfy the public. They basically enforced rules and forced everyone to follow those rules whether they like it or not, the players have no say in anything because Aeons and Pride only care about themselves. These rules were made in favor of Aeons and Pride. Sounds like a dictatorship to me #Kim Jon Un
Have u ever seen a server with no conflicts? Nah? Well thats normal then :)

They care about themselves (i removed the "only" from your post, explanation following) wich is normal, thats part of a clan job to care about their members.
Adding the "only" would mean that they would monoplolize every boss, and regen confirmed that they are allowing everyone who can, to enter in their rotation.
I wonder what you guys would think if they were going on their full capapilities...result: only 2 viable clans on server, and thats called ffa where powers arent equals.
so these rules arent 100% in their favors.

They cannot force you. Only otm could. Fight back if you want..and can. Show them. Prove that your method is better.
Dictatorship in game can only be done by cheaters and game company. Players can do what they want, but u will need to work as hard as they did to overpasa them. Consider that as a challenge :)


I'm a guide, clic my sig to pm me!!

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Why don't you stop trying to defend Aeons and Pride and go figure out what you guys can do to end the conflict. Sitting here trying to correct what other people have to say about Aeons and Pride isn't going to make things any better.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Why don't you stop trying to defend Aeons and Pride and go figure out what you guys can do to end the conflict. Sitting here trying to correct what other people have to say about Aeons and Pride isn't going to make things any better.
Simplely because...(read my other damn post lol :evil:) i dont play in taranis since a year now!! All i defend here is their concept, of democratic rules over a server.
I believe its a good concept that deserve to be fight for :)

I'm a guide, clic my sig to pm me!!

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

I believe its a good concept

It clearly isn't lmao. If it was a good concept then everybody would be in on it. When people from different servers step in to try to help remove some of these rules so people can get the most out of celtic heroes should be an indicator that a change needs to be made. All Aeons and Pride are doing is causing drama and conflict
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Hello, Eldorado here. Just want to tell all, that FFA SERVERS ARE NOT BAD. Ever since my switch to a ffa server, I've already obtained full edl and have supporting clan members who go out of there way to help. Clans do have to fight for locks but that's what makes the game fun. If you just get things handed to you in life on a silver platter, fed to you with a silver spoon. Life would be dull and boring. I noticed many members from Taranis just sit around in castle, or they don't even log as much anymore. It gets boring when you repeat the same routine over and over again. Like yea WOOO more drops, and you get strong. But after that its just the same routine, rotating and rotating. To the point where you are asking yourself is this whole rule system worth it?
In my opinion those saying FFA servers suck. You can bet that from my experience being here in this server Taranis, and then switching to a FFA server that I've had Way way way more fun on the FFA server then here in Taranis. Yes I've locked battle, yes it was fun. Yea we win some we lose some. But it's always the thrill to run in there and fight. And come out with something. Sometimes you come out with nothing but the whole clan just pats eachother on the back and says good try guys. Yea some people get butt hurt but things happen and it's only just a game. Other systems are much easier, For Example, DL and Edl is voted on, rather then working for so many points just to get one piece of armour, if you lvl and you work hard and help clan. Then you will be awarded. Simple as that. The whole clan prop thing aswell, does not happen on a few other servers. Players are able to have freedom on trading and selling items, and things are very straightforward. You work for it then it's yours.--- I watch taranis and I see all my friends people that I love, slowly quitting. Or getting angry with the server rules. Its time to rethink the way the server is being run. I do not by any means want to bash. Just putting it out there. That maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for a change. Since well, Taranis is losing many players. And becoming less active. I've read all your points and views on the server rules and system. Just putting my opinion out there. -Yawn- goodluck guys.
Speaks the truth. I don't know how you guys enjoy this game when the only main objective is to get gear, a clan needs to rise up here because there is a lot of potential in character and toon development when you go FFA, it's way more fun and you won't ever look back. Just take a look at Lugh.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

I believe its a good concept

It clearly isn't lmao. If it was a good concept then everybody would be in on it. When people from different servers step in to try to help remove some of these rules so people can get the most out of celtic heroes should be an indicator that a change needs to be made. All Aeons and Pride are doing is causing drama and conflict
That doean mean anything to me. FFA is beeing criticised sooo much...and still its a good concept.
Ita not because few people showed up saying that it wasnt good that the hundreds of players liking it will agree :)

There will always be people dislinking it. But ok, find a good way and if everyone folloe your golden!
Sadely i have few hopes lol :)

I'm a guide, clic my sig to pm me!!

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Hello, Eldorado here. Just want to tell all, that FFA SERVERS ARE NOT BAD. Ever since my switch to a ffa server, I've already obtained full edl and have supporting clan members who go out of there way to help. Clans do have to fight for locks but that's what makes the game fun. If you just get things handed to you in life on a silver platter, fed to you with a silver spoon. Life would be dull and boring. I noticed many members from Taranis just sit around in castle, or they don't even log as much anymore. It gets boring when you repeat the same routine over and over again. Like yea WOOO more drops, and you get strong. But after that its just the same routine, rotating and rotating. To the point where you are asking yourself is this whole rule system worth it?
In my opinion those saying FFA servers suck. You can bet that from my experience being here in this server Taranis, and then switching to a FFA server that I've had Way way way more fun on the FFA server then here in Taranis. Yes I've locked battle, yes it was fun. Yea we win some we lose some. But it's always the thrill to run in there and fight. And come out with something. Sometimes you come out with nothing but the whole clan just pats eachother on the back and says good try guys. Yea some people get butt hurt but things happen and it's only just a game. Other systems are much easier, For Example, DL and Edl is voted on, rather then working for so many points just to get one piece of armour, if you lvl and you work hard and help clan. Then you will be awarded. Simple as that. The whole clan prop thing aswell, does not happen on a few other servers. Players are able to have freedom on trading and selling items, and things are very straightforward. You work for it then it's yours.--- I watch taranis and I see all my friends people that I love, slowly quitting. Or getting angry with the server rules. Its time to rethink the way the server is being run. I do not by any means want to bash. Just putting it out there. That maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for a change. Since well, Taranis is losing many players. And becoming less active. I've read all your points and views on the server rules and system. Just putting my opinion out there. -Yawn- goodluck guys.
Speaks the truth. I don't know how you guys enjoy this game when the only main objective is to get gear, a clan needs to rise up here because there is a lot of potential in character and toon development when you go FFA, it's way more fun and you won't ever look back. Just take a look at Lugh.
What's the starting price of crowns on lugh? 2m or what?

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

The competition between Alliance and other top clans is what makes the server interesting. I've always enjoyed lock battles. The only way to get a crown on Lugh is from clan banks or through the black market, and I highly doubt someone could get away with selling a crown.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

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