Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

That's your opinion, I find, and always finded that fun and an amazing achievement!! and you can't deny it! Ruling a server this way isn't something easy!!

Of course you're going to find it fun because your apart of the whole mess, I wouldn't call forming an ingame government an achievement considering it has sparked conflict. Ofc ruling a server this way isn't easy because most people disagree with it, but why would you guys care, as long as you get all of the glory you don't care what happens to the people outside of Aeons and Pride.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

That's your opinion, I find, and always finded that fun and an amazing achievement!! and you can't deny it! Ruling a server this way isn't something easy!!
Well done admitting that you are arrogant and selfish.

How fun it must be that you are ruining a large majority of peoples enjoyment of this game, imposing laws and rules that you have no right to create, what an achievement that you are now unpopular and despised by the regular CH community.

I can understand why it is fun for you though..you obviously enjoy this whole mess and it probbably feeds your selfishness and greed as it does those of your "Clan"mates.

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Regen don't even bother replying. Every Time you reply you just get you and your clan bombarded with more reasons why to dislike Aeons and Pride. Just admit that a change needs to be made in order to make taranis a peaceful server.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

I'd rather fight about this on the forums so everyone can see. This post hasn't been locked yet because we haven't broken any of the forum rules or because the admins agree on the fact that taranis needs to change :p
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

The sad thing is that Plat buyers and regular players who arent in Pride or Aeon, are having their custom ruined by these narcissists.

If i pay money to go to a movie, get on a bus, go to a restaraunt ect., I do not expect ANYONE or any group of fellow customers to take control and make their own "rules", even more so of it limits the enjoyment of myself and everyone else giving custom.

What you are doing is the equivalent of throwing popcorn at people in theatres, holding up buses and coughing on people's food. You are damaging OTMs buisness and that of their customers by making the game an unpleasant experience for many other players who have also put money, time and effort into a character on

Get a grip.

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

lmao Aeons and Pride are getting roasted so bad. I'm just waiting for regen to post some super long boring response
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Just to be clear, i haven't visited taranis since more than a year, so my post can seems a bit outdated as my knowledge on it. But well i played there since game begining so...
Plus i'm not english native at all, so ther might be some missunderstanding...

back on topic :D :
That's your opinion, I find, and always finded that fun and an amazing achievement!! and you can't deny it! Ruling a server this way isn't something easy!!
Well done admitting that you are arrogant and selfish.

How fun it must be that you are ruining a large majority of peoples enjoyment of this game, imposing laws and rules that you have no right to create, what an achievement that you are now unpopular and despised by the regular CH community.

I can understand why it is fun for you though..you obviously enjoy this whole mess and it probbably feeds your selfishness and greed as it does those of your "Clan"mates.
we can turn it otherway: building laws and rules in order to allow players to be geared according to their work, avoiding clan abuses, helping them to enjoy game even if they cannot camp all day bosses. Its something that allow more security for old and new players. They can join great teammate, and dont have to worry about all the ksers, strssing and keeping losing boss as they are too weak etc..

It's a point of view, ofc from the other side it might look dictatorship, but its either a good way to keep something viable in BIG clans even if not everyone can be always online. The point i found great about it is that it allowed everyone to play as they wished, avoiding the 24/24 camping we had back in the days.
Only way to cover 24/24 7/7 is to take on huge amount of players.
Only way to avoid anarchy, abuses and thief is these huge group, is to make rules. That's how society is made.( ok it's a game, but if if it please some people to do so, let them ;D i wouldnt, but some did and i fin it interesting!)

about the "achievement and fun" part there might have been a missunderstanding thing. I was talking about the concept, how replicating a demorcratical system in game was outstanding! :D

and again, as u said OTM is the only one to set up the true rules. Nothing is illegal on working against this "so hated" taranien system. Just try, you will see by yourself.
You want these rules abolished...that would be worst! actually, as far i've seen, they are only allowing lower clans to play lol. Abolish then, and you will have aeon and pride 24/24 7/7 on all bosses and you will quit game caus you can't play unless you join their guild...

Thing is, i find no other way to please end game players and lower lvls...
That's your opinion, I find, and always finded that fun and an amazing achievement!! and you can't deny it! Ruling a server this way isn't something easy!!

Of course you're going to find it fun because your apart of the whole mess, I wouldn't call forming an ingame government an achievement considering it has sparked conflict. Ofc ruling a server this way isn't easy because most people disagree with it, but why would you guys care, as long as you get all of the glory you don't care what happens to the people outside of Aeons and Pride.
People outside these clans are potential future recruit. I'm not aware of the actual clans situation so can't answer here.
You got a point on saying it was fun from the inside. But i don't recall not finding it fun from the outside when we tried overpassing those clans. It was another game expeience and goal. Let's call it THE horizontal content, as we are waiting for more :D
It's like asking those end games players to stop playing in order to let the others. And this isnt how it works sadely...they need to cohabitate. and only rules can avoid FFA, wich will result on a ks war this server probably don' want (correct me if i'm wrong... :D)

Enjoy :D

(Out of this, it's cool that this debate stay calm, i was scared it would get locked...it would be sad. Its an interesting talk)

I'm a guide, clic my sig to pm me!!

Re: Why are endgame clans killing taranis?

Another vague and twisted answer, well done. Besides you already admitted that you were a part of these clans...so your opinion is taken with caution.

As you said..

"we can turn it otherway: building laws and rules in order to allow players to be geared according to their work, avoiding clan abuses, helping them to enjoy game even if they cannot camp all day bosses. Its something that allow more security for old and new players. They can join great teammate, and dont have to worry about all the ksers, strssing and keeping losing boss as they are too weak etc.."

If that is the case why do these clans kill Bene Players on sight in arena, whisper abuse to them and try and prevent them from doing bosses? They are FORCING their idea on Taranis, which is wrong. Only making thmselves look like idiots in the meantime.

So no that excuse is weak and pathetic, if people feel that twisted idea is beneficial then join Pride or Aeon, but NEVER prevent other players from experiencing the game. NEVER for one second think that your group of friends can hijack other peoples fun just becauase it benefits you.

Disgraceful that Regen even claims that this server is "peaceful" and "tight knit" because of these clans. It is tightly knit because it is the same group of selfish idiots driving players away, blocking them and making Taranis essentially their own private server.. ruled over by them. But now that another majority have risen, you have thrown your toys out of the pram.

OTM have not blocked this yet? Maybe they should take note as to why this is hurting their buisness.

Continue harming OTM by driving people away and ruining an otherwise enjoyable game because of your own selfish "rules".

What an amazing community! Good Luck Taranis.

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