Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

What ever the out come, imo it will come at a cost that may be dear the server. People who stay in a clan long past the time they are happy become destructive.
Arawn 222 Rogue & 222 Druid
Gwydion Druid 220 Warrior 198 )
Taranis Ranger 221
Nuada Ranger 221 Druid 221
Belinus Ranger 136 Druid 136
Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

What ever the out come, imo it will come at a cost that may be dear the server. People who stay in a clan long past the time they are happy become destructive.
A little competition can be good. In my experience, since this is a game about fighting, when a clan runs out of things to fight they start fighting each other. So when people reach the end game, and there really isn't any competition against another clan, the clan starts fighting itself. It's a hard thing to keep a clan focused. who knows, maybe something good will come out of this in the end. Good luck!

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Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

Isn't every clan in almost every game formed this way? A player joins a clan, levels up, gets geared, leaves and starts his own clan. That's pretty much the norm in almost every game out there. If you left a clan at lvl 100 and started your own clan while in crappy gear, I'm pretty sure it would hamper your recruiting efforts.
Omega Weapon
Concordiia Clan
223+ Ice Mage
132+ Rogue
Donn Server

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

yes, new clans formed in this fashion all the time but in my 5 years of playing this game his tactics take it to a whole new level. This has been the dirtiest of attacks I have experienced yet. Very few of my clan can login with out getting incessant whispers from chief of this new clan, to such an extent some are playing less and less. Just say no doesn't work with him. It is harassment pure and simple. Its no longer a simple competition between clans. It is breeding hate and discontent. Those of you that left the server 2ish years ago, its not the same clan so you cannot make assumptions based on how the clan was run back then. From popular vote on gear to DKP, very different.
Arawn 222 Rogue & 222 Druid
Gwydion Druid 220 Warrior 198 )
Taranis Ranger 221
Nuada Ranger 221 Druid 221
Belinus Ranger 136 Druid 136
Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

The split has been a huge positive step for Rosmerta. As Bitey says, two clans in competition is healthier than one clan rent by internal dissension.

Speaking for myself, since the split Celtic Heroes has been an absolute blast! I'm having so much fun. And from what I see in Clan Forever, I'm not the only one. And spirited good natured competition is definitely part of that. We're taking so many bosses now! Farming Proteus, Necro taken on day of spawn, furious lock battles for Mordris.

If our recruitment is distasteful to myth, how much more so is the relentless verbal abuse we receive - sometimes very explicit - the incessant griefing (another of our necros was griefed by a myth leader yesterday, to no avail), the manipulative whispers to try to make our members feel guilty for leaving. But you know what? We're not going to let that silliness get us down. We just factor in bad behaviour from that small handful of Myth leaders, deal with it, and bash those bosses anyway.

And if Myth has changed, it's as a result of the split. There was no public voting in Myth 3 weeks ago when we left, and the same leaders run Myth as they did in years past. Clan Forever leaders were voted in; we offer a real change, and a clan where you can enjoy yourselves.

Onwards to Gelebron! Rosmerta Forever!

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

As someone who has friends in both Forever and Mythology, and is not in either of the clans (yet), I can say that my opinion is quite neutral. I've been around since before Myth was even a thought, so I have a good grasp on what's been going on on Rosmerta. With that, I will continue with what I have to say.

Ever since Mythology formed it was a society of elitists. If you weren't loaded with lux or a high level you had no chance of getting into the clan. I can understand the level requirement, but the fact that members of Mythology would look down on lower level players, sometimes even harassing them, is baffling. Some members would act like they themselves never had to go from level 1 to 200, and any player below that threshold is a lesser being. THIS I have never agreed with and never will.

Forever has been formed recently, and they've already set a better standard for the entire server. Instead of being a shut-in community where they only care about people like themselves, they accept (and actively nurture) lower level players. Forever leadership has learned a key point- Clans can't be built atop a mountain of a few players with 10 alts. They have been assisting up and coming players so that they can help everyone- not just themselves. They look at the future and the betterment of the server and not just the present and who is good right now.

Gelebron has been in the game for at least a year and as far as I know Mythology never killed him once. There were more than enough players on the server to achieve such a task, but Mythology didn't want to change their ways and build their clan.

Forever has been around less than a month and they're already downing Raid bosses at a constant pace.

Nevertheless, it is the people that make up the clan that determine its personality. Everyone in Myth isn't perfect, and everyone in Forever definitely isn't either. But the attitude of Forever is completely different than that of Myth. From the outset they've had the goal of the betterment of the entire server, not just the betterment of themselves.

I used to want to be a part of Myth when it started because it was the place all the "Cool Kids" were, it was the elite. Now I see myself wanting to be a part of Forever to be able to contribute and help others as they've helped me, not because they're high levels or "cool".

We're gonna get to Gelebron eventually, but we'll do it alot faster if we come together.
Would you kindly?


Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

Their attitude of for the betterment of rose? Not themselves? then why did nearly every one of them load up on gear just prior to leaving? You view point is very slanted. Gelebron wasn't killed as many time, (your now current chief) was surfing OW instead of helping on major EGB. Cant work towards gelebron as a clan when you are being poisoned from the inside out. Silver-tongued individuals undermining leadership. IMO DRG wanted to turn myth into The Real upon joining. Key word there, you joined us. I am glad to be a small part of Bene on Taranis who is fighting against just such a communist ideaology as you are pushing. I rather enjoy the competition, going to baseball game and having one come out the winner. How boring to have a server where where you are handed everything, scheduled raids, no competing clan. I have found it generally not vauled as much as what you work for. We will continue to carry, perhaps the brainwashing will wear off on some. Theres an irony here as well since I see it will more then likely cause people to move off rose....mmmm........ive heard that before. Seems you are the same. I should have learned how to be an ***, being nice just got me run over is all.
voting, wasn't the first time myth has voted. Lets see....did your source tell you there were only 19 out of the entire clan that voted? is that a good representation? One of the major reason I hate to base an action solely on a vote. Its the vocal ones who vote. Others are shy, kids, or ESL people who can play but not understand the issue.
Arawn 222 Rogue & 222 Druid
Gwydion Druid 220 Warrior 198 )
Taranis Ranger 221
Nuada Ranger 221 Druid 221
Belinus Ranger 136 Druid 136
Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221

Re: Fair to take gear Knowing you leaving clan?

In all honesty this server has been long dead :lol:

A new clan emerging is nothing new its almost like a phoenix rising from the ashes... it happens ALL the time

As to answer the topic question... You owe NOTHING to the clan if you worked with the clan to EARN your gear. Is it right to join a clan contribute what you contribute and then just leave... Well honestly thats up to each individual, Its a bummer for sure but you act like they owe you something.

-We all did it together: yes you did and everyone who was a part of it got DKP am I wrong? unless myth doesnt run DKP anymore.(havent played in forever)
-We only invited the person because they said they would stay with us and be commited: well people change and circumstances change, get over it
-We could have given that piece of gear to someone else who wouldve stayed in the clan: honestly... you NEVER know who is going to stay and who is going to go, life changes, people change, circumstances change.

and im sure there are more but I think you get the point

Is it fair? maybe maybe not... who decides that?

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