Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Thank you Guys

Well i recently switched worlds. This is thanks to the friends i have already made. ( In no particular order. Only by who I met first)
1. Kyanos- Thanks for spending my items in Lux in shop for me :).
2. Dawnings- Hey thanks for healing me when im grinding.
3. Artisal- Ha talk about you and Soph being random AF.
4. Jitter bug- Ha we are a kick ass duo grinding team.
Special thanks to Kyanos and Dawnings. You helped me get started on Epona. You guys are the best. And one day im gonna be in Renascentia. I swear it.
Bloodwulfe; 190 Ranger
Melsa: 120 Warrior
Vethra: 170 Druid
Padfoot: 165 Mage

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