Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 255 matches

Re: 2011 Avalanche Sled

Chaos234324 I am interested in a offer reply to me and il see what are u offering
sorry red havnt been on forums lately but im willing to make an offer of some sort...what are you looking for? like gold, fash, rares, etc?

Re: What old players still play?

I've been playing since 2011 also and I still play
Don't remember you sorry chaos
He's a cool guy ;)
thank you cysero and i dont remember you either radium so i guess were even lol...maybe we can get on the game together and share stories lol...what clans have you been in?

Just Childish Bull

I haven't played a lot lately due to how horrible the game plays right now ALWAYS lagging and crashing on me so I haven't been on to catch up on what clans are fighting and what clans are not. To be honest I don't really care, but after so long of seeing post after post of bickering garbage it just ...

Anyone know?

Hey im not on all the time and I was wondering what items have come up in the special offers menu whether free or not...if anyone could let me know that would be great...Thanks!

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