Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

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Re: Question Regarding boss stats and attributes every spawn

Often times it seems to me to be a matter of where the aggro holder is standing. Sometimes, due to a weird glitch when I solo, the mob doesn't use any of it's specials and sometimes doesn't even attack that much, although I can skill kill it. I killed a Master this way, just slowly Vines/Lightning'd...

Re: Ideas for update

The friend feature is only really a friend feature if the two parties are consensual in their friendship. I wouldn't be opposed to a Facebook-like request for the person to log into and decide if they want you as a friend. But pulling an "Order & Chaos" friend whoever, so you can stalk...

Re: forums

You probably need to subtract all of Tathan's posts about wanting to create a fictional Job-Economy, Real-Estate Market, Revolutionary Army, Story Publishing House, and all further attempts to get paid in gold for doing absolutely nothing but live in his own head. But after you do that... Congratula...

Re: Should there be a way to change worlds? I dont think we

I think requiring PLAT to change servers is a good thing for Thumb Mobile, it helps them make money, thus helping us to get a better game. That said, high server transfer costs, and delay on changing seems preferable. Also there needs to be a scammer-guard. Stealing and switching is huge in games li...

Re: just curious

You don't need us to tell you this information. The game gives you an "Online Rankings" Leaderboard, where you can search by server player lvls, and class lvls... go server by server and see for yourself. To see server load you can search clan activity by server and see what kind of number...

Re: Disks?

Disks, or Disc Fragments, Aka Frags.. Are the Loot drop components that when turned in at the Warden Circle on Northern Pennisula can be exchanged for Class Warden Armor. Each Warden has a quest, and each asks for a different sequence of Discs to reward that piece or to reward the class weapon. Exam...

Re: how is pvp gonna work?

Have you played much PvP in a MMO format? It's usually not 1v1, more often it's a team of people vs a team of others. Not saying dueling doesn't exist, it's just rarely a 1v1 reality. It think that debuffs & crowd-control abilities like bolas, roots, shield-bash, wind will play a larger roll tha...

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