Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Where do I start??

Hey everyone, it’s been many years since I’ve played this game, was surprised I came across it again, believe it was sometime in 2011-2012.

Anyways I’m excited to try it out again and have no clue where to begin. Have read a few of the posts and seen there’s not many updates, is it safe to invest time into this game?

If so is it to late to be apart of the community, I know in quite a few games where people are established it’s harder to get involved, as in being the new guy, not strong enough, etc.

I don’t remember which server I played on, but I was a ranger, I think I could fit in anywhere, I can be quite active, and I’m very friendly, any places for someone that’s not a huge spender, (mostly f2p) for now, where I can still feel apart of the server. Or a helpful server to teach me the ropes.

Anyways that’s mostly all I can think of right now, still thinking on a class to play and where to go, since it’s been so long, so any suggestions or tips let me know thanks again!!

Re: Where do I start??

Hey there! Welcome back to CH!

Let me just start off saying don’t worry at all about being the weak/new guy. Pretty much everyone is just happy to see an active player. And if you have a good clan, they’ll help you get all the quest gear that you need. As far as where to start, I’d recommend just focusing on the main storyline and doing repeatables. Save your gold and as you progress along you can start thinking about buying jewelry and things that fit your playing style.

All from me for now... I have no doubt other heroes will have other suggestions, too. And don’t be afraid to ask any more questions! We enjoy to see newer players growing.

Happy hunting!
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Where do I start??

You start in Herne! Just kidding, you start by spamming Angmar in PM's to help you with everything, she's too nice to refuse!
,-, Just pass the spamming part, lol.
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Where do I start??

Hey everyone, it’s been many years since I’ve played this game, was surprised I came across it again, believe it was sometime in 2011-2012.

Anyways I’m excited to try it out again and have no clue where to begin. Have read a few of the posts and seen there’s not many updates, is it safe to invest time into this game?

If so is it to late to be apart of the community, I know in quite a few games where people are established it’s harder to get involved, as in being the new guy, not strong enough, etc.

I don’t remember which server I played on, but I was a ranger, I think I could fit in anywhere, I can be quite active, and I’m very friendly, any places for someone that’s not a huge spender, (mostly f2p) for now, where I can still feel apart of the server. Or a helpful server to teach me the ropes.

Anyways that’s mostly all I can think of right now, still thinking on a class to play and where to go, since it’s been so long, so any suggestions or tips let me know thanks again!!
well, the in server right now is Epona so start there. Going there myself actually n I'll need a leveling partner

Re: Where do I start??

Im a gwyd player but i highly suggest epona if you want a roll server, if you want a clan server then morrigans the way to go
I would also suggest taranis, it's growing quite nicely and it is roll based for the most part, and they have cheaper quest items than epona,( I have eg toons on both) for example full dl would cost you around 500k ish in Taranis and around 1.5m ish in epona (ofc depending on class) I won't lie to you taranis struggles to kill some bosses at some time zones but that's due to lack of numbers, Epona is getting over populated and that's not a good thing, if I were u I would try out taranis.
Try to enjoy and don't forget it's a game so smile and let go
Epona toons:
DoctorHeals (druid)(lvl 222)
DoctorFlames(mage)(lvl 221+)
DoctorPoison(rogue)(lvl 210+)
DoctorShield(warrior)(lvl 210+)
Crom toons:
Madcombo (rogue)(lvl 205+)

Re: Where do I start??

Don’t worry I’ve met many players who are new during that time, and end up a better dps or have better gear than me :lol: epona is rather active, and personally if you shoot me a mail or pm I could see what I can do about helping you out. Would warn that our prices are a bit expensive but with a decent clan and friends you can progress gradually, there’s many that I can imagine would be up for helping a new player adjust to the server
Dynamit1 - 215 Druid
Dynasaur - 205 Mage
Dynamit3 - 223 Rogue
Dynamit4 - 220 Warrior
Dynamit5 - 217 Ranger

Re: Where do I start??

Don’t worry I’ve met many players who are new during that time, and end up a better dps or have better gear than me :lol: epona is rather active, and personally if you shoot me a mail or pm I could see what I can do about helping you out. Would warn that our prices are a bit expensive but with a decent clan and friends you can progress gradually, there’s many that I can imagine would be up for helping a new player adjust to the server
On top of this, if you see me ingame hit me up with a pm. I’m known to hand out plat items to new players :)
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

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