Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Best gear?

I have ancient all the way around. Ruby skull pendant as my ammy. Ancient warbow. chieftain helm. Golden quiver.. Id like to know if thats as good as it gets or where i can find better if there is such a thing. Thanks!

Re: Best gear?

Best gear for Ranger mode:

Meteoric Bow, Golden Quiver, 20% EXP Amulet (Halloween), Warden Armors

Best gear for Tank mode:

Landguard Spear, Golden Shield of Valour, Golden Regen Amulet, Warden Armors
World: Sulis
Clan: Retribution
Ranger - Level: 161 - Nitocris
Rogue - Level: 190 - Aiolia
Druid - Level 166 - Goldheart

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