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Best gear for a lvl 90-100 mage?

i recently started a mage ( fire ) and have gotten it up to about level 95. My build is alright, but i don't really know what gear to use. I currently am using full darkshadow ( the one from stonevale, maybe duskshadow) ( i'll leave a picture below) and my jewllery is pretty bad. I have about 750k to spend on my jewellery, i don't know if i should go with a lvl 90 or 100 lux ammy like the glowstone tracker ammy or the wyld zephyr. or if i should get a lvl 90 or 100 shrivewood set. i have full warden and have the stuff for meteoric armor once i am at the lvl req, but i don't know which armor i should be using. i would love if any mages could help me out. thanks!

Re: Best gear for a lvl 90-100 mage?

Would depend on what kind of gear you have access to.
My suggestion would be
Offhand: focus of seer
main hand: shop wand (grimoire at 110 if you can get ahold of one)
Armor: your current armor is fine. On your question as to which would be better, Met/Warden is nice because of health boost and armor stats and resists, but if you aren't dying much then your current armor is good.

Firebolt ring
Firestorm ring
Royal Fire Attune ring
Grand Fire Attune ring or other skill ring
Braces: If you have access to event gear an attune brace or firebolt/shard brace from frostiron events, otherwise lux braces work
Misc: silverweb elemental misc
Ammy: Lux ammy
On your question about lux ammy vs shrive set, I'd suggest a lux ammy for regen (unless you have health and energy sigs) and this way you can keep other slots (misc and a ring) open.

Best of luck :)
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Best gear for a lvl 90-100 mage?

Thank you very much :p that helped me a lot I had no clue on what gear to get. I have one question though. Which lux ammy would you suggest?
Hmm good question. In my opinion the lvl 90-140 ammies are very similar in stats. Depending on how long long you plan to stay in that range I'd buy an ammulet that is easy to resell. I like the more recent Samhain ammy (vit/focus energy regeneration and an instacast-eshield skill). I used the level 190 version until I got a godly hellfire rivière from last event. Overall though I would focus on more long term gear (for example, skill rings) if you have a fixed budget, which would probably be used until end game replacements can be obtained. My 134 druid for example switches between a hero ammy and a kron stonebark ammy because lux ammies at that level don't do a tremendous amount of help for casters (Energy regeneration is too low to help keep mana up, only real gain r stat boosts).
Anyways hope this helps
Best of luck :)
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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