Hello fellow druids!
I am in a Line group called Druid help chat and i would like to share this with you guys!
It is a group where ppl ask and answer questions related to druids. We also share thoughts about things and discuss topics which only druids will understand
We only have about 20-25 druids in there currently with all sorts of different levels, from a lvl 80 druid to end game.
If you would like to join as well just hit me up on Line contacting the following Line ID: Stan073
All you need is a Line account
Hope to see ya soon!
(sorry for my bad English its not my first language ;p)
Druid Line group
#1Main: Lifeguard (Mabon, level 215, druid)
Alt: Koningstan (mabon, level 104, warrior)
clansman of Novalis
Alt: Koningstan (mabon, level 104, warrior)
clansman of Novalis