Celtic Heroes

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Re: buy golden camoflarge charm or xp pendant 500 chest

Forgot this is coming from the guy that peaked in 2013 my bad :lol:
Stay in 2013 when you actually knew something about the game and stop giving bad advice about niche items.
Assuming I care what you think, kinda a mistake there.
Saying gold camo is useless because 15% kite is better is like saying don’t use an offhand because your main hand does more damage.
You can own a kite AND A CAMO CHARM LMAO.
You can, but theres no reason to, as I pointed out numerous times. Kites(armor or hp%+) are actually good and worth buying, you just lose when you buy a camo charm.

If you want to believe camos are good, be my guest, if I want to believe they are bad, I can. Just dont lie to yourself to feel better about your purchases and their future.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
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Re: buy golden camoflarge charm or xp pendant 500 chest

A camo charm in and of itself, without considering anything else in the game (skills/slots/consumables/loot) is useful almost everywhere. It’s 80% camouflage - it’s not useless, but it is prohibitively expensive, insanely rare, and definitely overrated for the price it tends to go for - I think everyone can agree on that (but then again, what old item isn’t).

If you have the money to blow on a camo charm, then go for it - you don’t need to listen to any of us here on the forums. It’s useful, sure, especially because gear swapping is a thing - just equip it while running to a boss, or standing around in the castle showing off, then swap it out for a different charm when in combat.

Could you spend the money on more useful things? Absolutely. However, it’s a game - the point is to enjoy it. If you want to enjoy it with an uber-rare camo charm, then go for it.
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Re: buy golden camoflarge charm or xp pendant 500 chest

i do like kites but the 15% hp kite is kinda useless it does give 15% hp but i need a heal on top of that for it to count and if i die il still need a heal .so its better for tanks mainly and also tanks rarely die these days with how op they are and with the amount of druid heals available. dont remember the last time i seen a tank die at a boss when there tanking it .For leveling its the same il still need a heal on top when i use it and when running to bosses id have to wait for sigils to catch up before i can run.

the armour kite is very good though as i dont need an addition of a druid to use it and its instant when in combat i manged to get one during the event its very good whilst, i got rid of the 15% a long time ago and own a 9% which i never use
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Re: buy golden camoflarge charm or xp pendant 500 chest

i do like kites but the 15% hp kite is kinda useless it does give 15% hp but i need a heal on top of that for it to count and if i die il still need a heal .so its better for tanks mainly and also tanks rarely die these days with how op they are and with the amount of druid heals available. dont remember the last time i seen a tank die at a boss when there tanking it .For leveling its the same il still need a heal on top when i use it and when running to bosses id have to wait for sigils to catch up before i can run.

the armour kite is very good though as i dont need an addition of a druid to use it and its instant when in combat i manged to get one during the event its very good whilst, i got rid of the 15% a long time ago and own a 9% which i never use
They are good for different things, armor mainly for mages and low levels, or situations where damage reduction is better then a higher cap(higher cap does = more regen from lix though).

Health % + isnt just for tanking though. In theory the kite would get you more dps, as youd have to sacrifice less gear/stats to achieve your ideal amount of health. Most of the time, this works out, aside from when you can get away with being full dmg stat+no survival gear(but even then its nice to have just incase).
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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