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Spell hangs are horrendous..

Why is this still an issue? It obviously is a server born issue, so I don't know if a massive upgrade in hardware is needed. I've tested on multiple wireless connections and no matter how strong a signal, it still occurs. This began occurring after last update and has yet to rectified. Admin feedback would be appreciated.
Player Name: Jackdiesel Lvl 57 Mage (***HIGHEST LVL ON SERVER***)
Server: Morrigan
Head Guardian for Clan Alliance (Premier Clan of Server)

Re: Spell hangs are horrendous..

It's certainly 90% better than it was a week or two ago when we were all screaming about it. However, I do still see some lintermitant lags when casting skills and saw that last night on Mabon when my pummel was hanging but my big swing wasn't. It does seem to happen more on some skills than others during the same session. The skill icon goes to the full green square and then fails to execute and turn red. Moving my character's position a tiny bit resets it and I can try again, but it usually hangs again. I have not connected this behavior to the ping time number or whatever that number is in the lower right corner of the screen but I hesitate to say it's directly connected.

I've also been meaning to see if this happens more in busy areas with lots of users or if it happens with equal frequency when no one else is in my area. I'll try to watch for that in case there's a correlation.

Come to think of it, I saw some lag on engaging eneimies as well last night. Double-tapping the enemy didn't always engage right away and I found myself waiting about 10 seconds for the game to catch up, returning me to my regularly scheduled battle, already in progress. (That is to say, I would be half way or more through the fight once it caught up.)

The lag can be frustrating if it costs you a win, but it is intermitant and only a minority of the time for me so I'm not too upset. It would be nice to fix though as it is pretty frustrating if it becomes common.

Love the game. Thanks guys!
Athos, Rogue, Arawn
Myrddin, Mage, Arawn
Talon, Warrior, Mabon

Re: Spell hangs are horrendous..

I've been watching and have noted that the spell hangs are not necessarily related to the number in the lower right of the screen (which I assume to be something like a network ping time). I have experienced the lag this weekend with times in the 200-450 range but also when it's only in the 40s.

Not complaining....just providing information.
Athos, Rogue, Arawn
Myrddin, Mage, Arawn
Talon, Warrior, Mabon

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