Celtic Heroes

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OTM Server crash cost us

Mabon server crashed while we were fighting 140 at Norther peninsula..Costing my clan and myself loads of pots and idols. I know the server crashed because it happened to everyone and no one could connect to mabon. This was your fault. I expect me and my clan to be reimbursed for our losses..
World: Mabon

Rogue 164
Druid 74
Ranger 130
Warrior 94
Mage 88

Re: OTM Server crash cost us

Mabon server crashed while we were fighting 140 at Norther peninsula..Costing my clan and myself loads of pots and idols. I know the server crashed because it happened to everyone and no one could connect to mabon. This was your fault. I expect me and my clan to be reimbursed for our losses..
write this a little nicer and then MAYBE you will get a response, you should know by now... they dont talk to ppl who blame things on em...
I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
Mabon - !^! Ranger
Mabon - @* Druid

Re: OTM Server crash cost us

Guys don't help him, let him be rude and not get anything refunded. Everything will be funnier that way.
You don't think it's unfair that a server crashing cost us resources that we paid the developers for?

Maybe try seeing it from my perspective instead of being a 12 year old.
World: Mabon

Rogue 164
Druid 74
Ranger 130
Warrior 94
Mage 88

Re: OTM Server crash cost us

Why would you expect them to refund it it you didn't have to use idols or pots you chose to
You see when you are not powerful enough to fight a boss you are required to use the expensive way out without being built properly to do it without spending money, unfortunately this kid sees it as he tried to do something he and his clan could not and a mere problem was involved so now he is forced to actually gain levels.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

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