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Whats the deal with sigils?

I was wondering what the deal is with sigils and if someone can explain few things to me.

Is there a maximum amount to either of them?

If there is not isn't it just too easy buy loads and have health an energy just constantly up?

Are they a necessity?

Sorry I really don't know too much about the specifics, I mean I know what they do but that is about it.

Thank you.
"Once, they asked the wise man, 'Is he who gives you a wild tiger in a jade box being truly generous?' The Great Sage replied, 'How should I know?'"

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

There is no maximum amount

Sigils only work while out of combat so you cant use them like regens to constantly keep your health or energy up in combat, however especially for casting classes if your having energy probs you can pause casting for a few seconds ad get alot of energy regained (assuming you are constantly casting). as a rouge I never felt a need for more then 500 of each but many people keep several thousand. As a caster I would recommend over a thousand for endgame bossing but again its personal preference.

For bossing they are pretty limited, but for lixing the help alot (the faster you regen the faster you can move to the next mob) especially if you dont have alot of regen gear early game.
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

they cost 10 plat each and 10 plat is 99p so even 500 is like £495

People surely cant be spending over a thousand real-life pounds to get these things?

Do they sell in the action house or from a vendor?

It all seems like madness to me (not the ska band from the 1980's either)
"Once, they asked the wise man, 'Is he who gives you a wild tiger in a jade box being truly generous?' The Great Sage replied, 'How should I know?'"

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

They also drop from chests quite frequently in crates of 5 sigs each

on Crom sig crates sell about 5-10k each or 1-2k per sig i cant speak for other servers but I think that is a fairly common rate

so realistically 500 sigs is about 500k-1mil
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

Around 2k each (10k for 5-pack) on average is what they run on Lugh too.

Endgame players with the resources try to have close to their max health/energy in sigils (in other words, they're paying about 2k per hp/ep) (but most people figure 85% or so of max is close enough :D) so that if they have a single-tick break in combat (a bash/freeze break if you're being damaged actively, but otherwise just a 5 second break in skills/spell-casting) they are fully regened.

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Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

Sigils are a staple if you're going to be end gaming, they will prevent you from getting on curse on several occasions, and save you so much plat in the long run.

Get enough HP and energy sigils so you fully regenerate once you rez, therefore half of your current energy and HP.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

Sigils are a staple if you're going to be end gaming, they will prevent you from getting on curse on several occasions, and save you so much plat in the long run.

Get enough HP and energy sigils so you fully regenerate once you rez, therefore half of your current energy and HP.
^what he said.
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

Yes, no one buys them from the plat store. Buy from players. They sell 8k-10k on Donn. I always thought 10-15% of max was adequate. Half would be better, of course. I strongly recommend getting as many as you can asap. Stopping to Regen slow between mobs is awful.
How many hats?

Server: Donn
Clan: Concordiia
Aoifa Strongbow-Mage-220
Naughty Vines-Druid-195l
Geriatric Ninja-Rogue-140

Re: Whats the deal with sigils?

Some advice if you're looking to invest in Sigils.

First, YES it is a good idea to invest in sigils. They help you all throughout the game- especially at End Game where you will want to swap Lux gear for Raid gear (which means you lose the regens).

Since you're a low level Luxury Items may come in handy due to their stat boosts and decent regens. Until level 180 the best Raid drops you can get are from Aggy, so wearing Luxury during that time isn't a bad idea. The regens coming from them will help you alot unless you have a butt ton of Health or Energy.

Like I said before, once you're a higher level (180+) you'll start to earn Raid gear that has much better stat boosts than that of Lux items. This is where Sigils really work well because you can have out of combat regens that give you full health in a few ticks (every 5 seconds if im not mistaken) and wear superior rings/bracelets/necks.

Ofc you could always buy Lux AND Sigils, and sell your Lux items when they become obsolete. Or you could invest solely on one or the other.

Just something to think about before investing!
Enjoy the game :)
Would you kindly?


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