Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

New to game. A little help?

Hello everyone. I am pretty new to this game and had quite a few questions. My first question is where do I get a totem from? I have the skill unlocked but can't find a totem. Also would anyone like to quest with me? I'm a lvl 18 druid. I'm in the process of building him full support.

Re: New to game. A little help?

The first totem that you get from a shop is the one in Stonevale. But in order to open the shop and see what's inside it, you need to finish a quest by I think his name is farmer forbes. but by around a few more levels, you get to check the totem in ow shop at level 60 and you receive the warden totem from quest, the most impotant gear in the game that leads you to dragonlord totem and full gear. most totems in the shop aren't so wow so you might want to use your warden totem, which upgrades to meteoric, then upgrades to frozen then finally you get full dragonlord at level 170. The adamant totem from the shop that opens at level 120 in ow is actually good it has nature magic ability. You also have the option to buy an aggy book starting level 110 up to level 150 books. But, since your server is new, it will take a while to kill Aggy and get this book, so you might want to stick to the shop totems for now.
warrior 229
rogue 230
druid 228
ranger 228
mage 200

say no to dominant clans.

Re: New to game. A little help?

At lvl 20 you follow the quest line in Macroin EnCamp it unlocks a shop. The cheapest totem is 2,662 gold.

Have fun
^^ this is true. However, but if you plan on buying a totem from that shop, get the 5k totem as it is worth the wait to get better dmg, on the other hand, don't wait for the 10k or 21k totems, as it is best to get a totem ASAP.

GhostLord- Level 134 druid

Proud Guardian of Hobnobbers


IsleOfCacti- Level 42 Ranger

Keep the peace....

Re: New to game. A little help?

Yes that 10k or 21,312 at Stonevale totems I wouldn't get. Ya there is the 5k and change one at Macroin. Figured cheapest if don't have it like that. The 5k one is better ya.

Also at Stonevale farm there is the totem ability for 100g I think.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
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