As promised, we found a way to bring back the Forum!
As many of you know, the old Forum and website had their fair share of challenges. Outdated design, hosting issues, and the never-ending battle with spam accounts and posts made it clear that something needed to change. These issues had us rethink the existence of both.
We created a new website which is way more modern and useful, exactly what Celtic Heroes needed. However, the Forum wasn’t as straightforward. When we moved away from the old hosting provider, we had to archive the Forum.
Since then, we’ve been looking into every option to make the Forum accessible again. Could we bring it back as a public archive for all of you to reference? Or would it have to remain internal? After much investigation and effort, we’re happy to share that we found a way to keep it publicly for all of you to use - https://forum.celtic-heroes.com/forum/ The only catch is, it's not an active Forum meaning you won't be able to create accounts, create posts or comment. It's purely for you to use as a source of information.
Thank you for your patience on this matter. We want you to know that we appreciate the feedback and concerns you shared!
Your Celtic Heroes Team