Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Downtime 05.05.2022 - Forced Password Reset


In our previous announcement, we told you of our plans for an upcoming password reset for all standard Celtic Heroes Accounts. In order to roll this reset out, we are going under maintenance on the 5th of May at 9 AM CET for around 3 hours. To mitigate any potential risks we are doing a staged rollout release and only 30% of the Android players are going to be able to download the update. If you get this optional update please download it and give us feedback. In this release Apple users will not be impacted.
The plan is to roll out this update to all of you players next week if the first test goes well. We are once again aiming for a safe and secure downtime.
If you do not remember your password and you don't have an email associated with your account, please reach out to our support team:

We thank you for your patience and understanding.

To leave feedback and report issues with the reset, please report them in our feedback thread. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=104409


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