Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Hi There!

Recently I stated playing Celtic Heroes and I thought lets say hi.

I've been looking for quite some time what mobile MMORPG to play.
There are tons and tons of MMORPG's on Google Play but hardly any are even worth looking into imho. Personally I don't like anime so everything anime is out, that's already a considerable chunk of the games in the store. Secondly I absolutely hate auto quest and auto fight, that's another big chunk out of the available games in the store. Third I don't like P2W. Don't get me wrong I don't mind paying for a game that I play, I've been paying subscriptions for MMORPG's that I play(ed) for over 20 years now. I just hate the mechanic you're more or less forced to pay for a "solution" to a problem they willingly and knowingly created just to get money from you. You see this mechanic in a lot of F2P MMORPG's but to me it seems to be the worst on the mobile platform.

Taking everything from above there is not a whole lot left to choose from on Google Play ;)
I've been playing Albion Online for some time but I'm not a hard core PvP player, I do PvP sometimes but not every time all the time. Any and all progress mid game and further in Albion Online find place in PvP zones. So to progress further you're are forced to PvP. To me this is off putting and I found myself login in shorter and less often to the point it was not worth my subscription any more.
Bit of a shame as besides the forced PvP the game is actually quite good. Dungeons, gathering, fishing and crafting it was all there and worked well.

I've been looking into other games before I landed on Celtic heroes.
Warhammer: Odyssey, looks nice and played nice but the whole 5 minute gameplay loop is; talk to NPC -> kill/collect X amount of mob/item Y -> talk to NPC rinse and repeat over and over and over. Even my goldfish gets bored of that gameplay loop after 30 minutes.

Villagers and Heroes, looks nice plays ok but the whole game feels "off" to me. Perhaps too simplistic or something, the whole games feels like it's aimed at a younger audience. I just couldn't get into it.

Bunch of other games like Adventure Quest 3D or World of Kings all had one or more things that didn't feel right.

Eventually I landed on Celtic Heroes and played for for a bit.
First impression is quite good actually. Obviously the graphics fall behind compared to more recent releases but I don't care that much about that. The gameplay mechanics are much more important to me than flashy graphics. What I remembered from one of my first quests is that an NPC said to me "I'm not going to hold your hand you can find it out yourself" which is just golden and I can only applaud this approach.
I just hope this game is still worth sinking some time into. The game is old(er) and switched publisher. I don't know all the ins and outs but given the age of the game and it most likely doesn't have a huge active player base it doesn't seem that far fetched to me if one wonders when/if they pull the plug completely.

For now I just enjoy the game for what it is, I nice "old school" MMORPG without much handholding and thank god no auto questing and fighting.

I rambled enough for now :D

Re: Hi There!

Welcome to the land of Dal Riata!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the game so much. It's one that's near and dear to my heart, even if I don't play very often these days. It really is fairly unique in the mobile market even after more than a decade.

You are correct that the playerbase is declining. We haven't had any true new content update for a couple years now, with no evidence that another update is planning in the future, and that discourages a lot of people who have played for years prior to that and have tapped out a lot of the game's content.

That being said, there's still a ton of content in the game to play through!

Yes, the original development company was dissolved a number of years ago, and the game's owner started another development team, then transferred CH development to it. The current development team is Virtual Realms, who is currently preoccupied with their primary game - Warhammer: Odyssey, which it seems you have already tried haha.
Because they have been busy with WH:O, they have mostly left CH to its own devices for the past few years, just doing an occasional small game event here and there.

I personally don't see Celtic Heroes shutting down anytime soon, but no one really knows for certain. My best recommendation is that you play the game for what it is, enjoy the content, and just have fun with it!
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Hi There!

Hi all
Not really like to introduce my self, but i need some help and still digging forums to find right topic..
I mmo rpg i m pretty new, many years was playing War Dragons, but expect it ll die soon, and i m really tired from leading team and even to play in team
So, i was searching fighting game with realistic graphic, 3D, wit no auto fihgts… strange but found not many…
Unfortunately there is no my native lngw in game, my english not perfect at all, but that game fits me more then all others i tested.
I still cannot understand if there is public chat in game- so i dont know where to ask stupid questions
No clan- so, again, i don t know who to ask for some explanation…
I ll appreciate for link or any other kind of help:))
Rugue, Arawn

Re: Hi There!

Welcome to the land of Dal Riata!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the game so much. It's one that's near and dear to my heart, even if I don't play very often these days. It really is fairly unique in the mobile market even after more than a decade.

You are correct that the playerbase is declining. We haven't had any true new content update for a couple years now, with no evidence that another update is planning in the future, and that discourages a lot of people who have played for years prior to that and have tapped out a lot of the game's content.

That being said, there's still a ton of content in the game to play through!

Yes, the original development company was dissolved a number of years ago, and the game's owner started another development team, then transferred CH development to it. The current development team is Virtual Realms, who is currently preoccupied with their primary game - Warhammer: Odyssey, which it seems you have already tried haha.
Because they have been busy with WH:O, they have mostly left CH to its own devices for the past few years, just doing an occasional small game event here and there.

I personally don't see Celtic Heroes shutting down anytime soon, but no one really knows for certain. My best recommendation is that you play the game for what it is, enjoy the content, and just have fun with it!
Thank you for the extra background info.
I knew that VR is not the original developer of CH but didn't know that it is the same team that made Warhammer. Too bad that Warhammer is the primary game of VR. Sure it looks nice and flashy but that is everything it is. Warhammer reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy XIII, another great looking game (for that time) but in the end it's just an on-rails go kill mobs and then some more mobs game.

CH has it's quirks and age of the game shows in some design decisions but that being said I still think that CH is better and has more potential than Warhammer ever will have.

As you said I (will) play the game for what it is and enjoy it for what it is.
It is not my main MMORPG so I don't spend hours per day playing CH. I choose a mobile MMORPG so I have something to play on the go when I have some idle time and when I'm somewhere where I don't have access to my desktopsystem.
I'm playing for a couple weeks now and I'm only lvl 17, that shows how hardcore I am :D

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