Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Community Screenshot Contest - Win Dal Riata Mystery Chests!

Hello Heroes,

The Celtic Heroes Community Discord is hosting a community screenshot contest that all players can participate in to win some new Dal Riata Mystery Chests! Virtual Realms will be sponsoring the prizes for this fun contest!

Server Discord Link: https://discord.gg/DvrHCCJ2G3

Start Date: July 13th @ 3AM EST
End Date: July 20th @ 6PM EST

How to Enter: Post your favorite screenshot from Celtic Heroes from over the last 10 years! The Server Admin's top 10 favorite screenshots will receive the following prizes.

1st place - 50 Dal Riata Chests
2nd place - 25 Dal Riata Chests
3rd place - 15 Dal Riata Chests
4-10th place - 10 Dal Riata Chests

The screenshot has to be your own, and you may only enter once. In the event of entering more than once, or if someone can prove someones screenshot is not their's, the first non-rulebreaking picture will be selected for judgement.

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