Celtic Heroes

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Fishing Rod Quests

These are the Quests for getting the fishing rods as you progressively train fishing.
The fish are found in Shimmering Waters around the level for the rod.

Level 10 - Rod of the Crab - 2 Red Herring
Level 30 - Rod of the Eel - 2 Summer Flounder
Level 55 - Rod of the Octopus - 3 Silver Carp
Level 70 - Rod of the Manta - 4 Prized Pike
Level 95 - Rod of the Shark - 4 Giant Catfish
Level 110 - Rod of the Swordfish - 4 Giant Eel
Level 130 - Rod of the Siren - 5 Prized Haddock
Level 170 - Rod of the Leviathan - 6 Starry Dogfish

Hand of Nodens Rod Quests (Level 180):
(Fish found in Vortex Waters - Rippling/Shimmering, found in Lots Reach, Fingals Cave, and Carrowmore Tunnels)
1st - Ancient Rod - 6AT, 3AP
2nd - Royal Ancient Rod - 7AT, 4AP, 1AR
3rd - Imperial Ancient Rod - 8AT, 4AP, 3AR
4th - Godly Ancient Rod - 9AT, 5AP, 4AR
5th - Hand of Nodens - 10AT, 5AP, 5AR

TOTAL - 40AT, 21AP, 13AR
AT - Auroral Trout
AP - Aether Pike
AR - Astral Ray

All the best with Fishing!
May Nodens bless you!

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