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recommended builds for update

Hey warriors ive realised that many of u have asked for how the build should be in update. Im posting my views here to how i think it should be done now. my warrior is 97+ in world arawn (sandlander) with full diamond crystal with crystal shield and crystal offhand sword too. I have always been a tank with most into vitality but update has changed how tanking works. even rougues and rangers are tanking (druids and mages too sometimes). since druids heals are waaay better now i think there is not much need to put alot of points into vitality.

These points can be better spent on strength. with crystal armour and protective stance maxed, i would say its pretty easy to tank with 2000-2500 hp now. The points in strength also give alot of benefits since leveling is much more faster that way (faster kills).

As far as skills are concerned, i think shield bash should be maxed so is taunt if ur a tank and not to forget protective stance ofcourse. i also recommend giving points to giant swing (or sweeping blow if u have it) rather than pummel as normal hits do more damage than it now. The rest of the points - if u have any left - put into bandage wounds or any other that you might prefer.

Although i have noticed that the strength thing does not work as much effectively in pvp than it does while fighting mobs and i find myself in need of help in group fights (1v1) is not that bad.

Sry for the long post and hope you enjoy the new build i suggested as i think its worth a try but sry if it doesnt work out for you. Thanks for giving your time on reading
World: Crom
IGN: Sandlander (193+ ranger)
Clan Seed

Re: recommended builds for update

If your trying to level up, you should be a mixed warrior. im currently 102 and i noticed i didnt need as much health, so you should be mixed but with a bit more strength than health. My build is 260 strength 5 dexterity 10 focus 255 vitality. i would have more strength though.

Re: recommended builds for update

Yeah, i agree that a mixed warrior is the way to go. Unfortunately, im only level 94, so im not sure if leveling will become less annoying once im passed the eyes. I am a tank at the moment with killer pvp stats (and skills) apparently.

I actualy have 20 focus <--- Thats right, a warrior with focus :lol:

With protective stance, i have 1050 armor. I use a diamond breastplate, legs, shield, and sword. My helm and boots are astral, and my gloves are heroic. The rest of my stats are predictable from here.

But yeah, if anyone can tell me if leveling gets less annoying compared to the crowding eyes, i would appreciate it. If it becomes less of a nucense, ill drop some vitality for strength.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

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