Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: BeSt ranger attack helm and quiver?

I'd be very interested to see your build if you don't mind sharing. What your stats are and how that translates into modified results. Also what armour ajd such u use.
Hey Lostgirl I just posted my complete stats in the topic "Rate this Build", Up until 2 or 3 lvls ago I was an all Str build with only 100 dex, before I was finally convinced to convert to the Dex darkside. :twisted: Personally I am know loving the build Its not only great for soloing but it is great for a boss fight. Also if you notice Steady aim is based off the dex skill, so now when casted this adds close to 80 damage for me and when coupled with rapid I can probably out DPS a strength build.

P.S. Believe me I was not a fan of the Dex build you can go back and read my old post but know I honestly dont know how I made it as far as I did in the game without it. Now I am a lvl 136 super Dex ranger :D

Re: BeSt ranger attack helm and quiver?

So at lvl 120 I've decided to get a quiver. But which one? I have golden one and no bloodlust. All lunar(some frozen soon). So what's yalls opinion? Magic or Ice?
Name: Saxo
Class: Ranger
Level: 190
World: Herne
Clan: Infection
A proud tester of beta expansion 4
Been here since the beginning, still going strong!

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