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What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:22 am
by Angmar Reid
I’ll go first :P

When I can I play on a PS4 with my siblings. My favorite games (in no particular order) are Destiny 1, Destiny 2, Skyrim, and For Honor (though the double teaming sucks).
Tried LOTRO in PC for a little while but couldn’t get used to using a keyboard instead of a controller :?

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:49 am
by Zkills
When I get time to sit down and play my Xbox One (which is almost never now days lol) I’ll usually play Battlefield 4, Dark Souls 3, or Halo Wars 2.

Battlefield 4 is probably my favorite game. A more realistic modern FPS game when compared to something like Call of Duty, and I’m very good at the game lol. Currently max rank and am in Division 1 for skill.

Dark Souls 3 is second. I love the brutal yet satisfying difficulty of the game (hardest game I’ve ever played), and the PvP is a lot of fun. Currently playing on NG+3, which basically means it’s my 4th play through of the game only 3x harder lol.

Halo Wars 2 is 3rd. Recently found this game on sale and I found out that I really enjoy RTS games.

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:03 am
by Romeo
Not played a pc or console game for sooo long now. Mobile gaming is the way forward it does exactly what I want from a game, keeps me occupied and having fun when I got downtime plus is v convenient and graphics are so good now on mobile. Was hugely into stealth game play though (shame there's not really any stealth games on mobile atm with the exception of AC) so when I played console I'd be into things like assassin's creed, dishonored, metal gear solid. but I'd also love a deep rich story so played a lot of final fantasy, square enix was defo my choice if I wanted a story. Use to love tomb raider I was a huge fan of those games but now they've changed her too much, the new Lara Croft is nothing like the old from ps3 and downwards

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:08 pm
by Eragon123
I play PC (or PC-based VR games) nearly exclusively. The majority of mobile games (and VR games for that matter) just don’t have the longevity, depth, and options that I want from games (outside of a select few). I also never really got into consoles, I’ve been using keyboard/mouse for so long that I’m terrible with a controller!

My current favorite games to play are:

- Insurgency: Sandstorm (a team-based FPS, excellent for jumping in for 15-20 mins at a time, which is usually all I have time for)
- The Witcher 3 (an RPG with an insanely large world and amount of stuff to do)
- Battlefield V (for when I want a slightly more realistic/older FPS)
- Kingdom Come Deliverance (a realistic medieval RPG)
- Minecraft :?

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:56 pm
by Bitey
Not played a pc or console game for sooo long now. Mobile gaming is the way forward it does exactly what I want from a game, keeps me occupied and having fun when I got downtime plus is v convenient and graphics are so good now on mobile. Was hugely into stealth game play though (shame there's not really any stealth games on mobile atm with the exception of AC) so when I played console I'd be into things like assassin's creed, dishonored, metal gear solid. but I'd also love a deep rich story so played a lot of final fantasy, square enix was defo my choice if I wanted a story. Use to love tomb raider I was a huge fan of those games but now they've changed her too much, the new Lara Croft is nothing like the old from ps3 and downwards
I don’t have a console either. There is some good stuff going on with Final Fantasy on mobile though. I played Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for quite a while. FF record keeper was pretty cool too. Never got into Final Fantasy XV: a new empire, but that is out there too. I guess my point is that there’s a lot of FF games on mobile for all different gameplay styles, and that’s without even installing an emulator to run old school platform games on your phone.

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:05 pm
by Romeo
Not played a pc or console game for sooo long now. Mobile gaming is the way forward it does exactly what I want from a game, keeps me occupied and having fun when I got downtime plus is v convenient and graphics are so good now on mobile. Was hugely into stealth game play though (shame there's not really any stealth games on mobile atm with the exception of AC) so when I played console I'd be into things like assassin's creed, dishonored, metal gear solid. but I'd also love a deep rich story so played a lot of final fantasy, square enix was defo my choice if I wanted a story. Use to love tomb raider I was a huge fan of those games but now they've changed her too much, the new Lara Croft is nothing like the old from ps3 and downwards
I don’t have a console either. There is some good stuff going on with Final Fantasy on mobile though. I played Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for quite a while. FF record keeper was pretty cool too. Never got into Final Fantasy XV: a new empire, but that is out there too. I guess my point is that there’s a lot of FF games on mobile for all different gameplay styles, and that’s without even installing an emulator to run old school platform games on your phone.
Your right there pretty decent. Only ones I tried on mobile are pocket edition and the old remake ones like 7 and 9, still not sure why they skipped over 8. Been patiently waiting for the ff11 to come to mobile but who knows when thats gonna be it was announced so long ago but still no release date.

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:56 pm
by Angmar Reid
Super cool to see what other games you all like. It’s funny hearing about Halo, actually, because before we switched from Xbox 360 to PS4s, I would play a lot of Halo with my brother (I can’t remember which one... the biggest thing I remember was being digested by a big monster thing :lol:).
I play PC (or PC-based VR games) nearly exclusively. The majority of mobile games (and VR games for that matter) just don’t have the longevity, depth, and options that I want from games (outside of a select few). I also never really got into consoles, I’ve been using keyboard/mouse for so long that I’m terrible with a controller!

My current favorite games to play are:

- Insurgency: Sandstorm (a team-based FPS, excellent for jumping in for 15-20 mins at a time, which is usually all I have time for)
- The Witcher 3 (an RPG with an insanely large world and amount of stuff to do)
- Battlefield V (for when I want a slightly more realistic/older FPS)
- Kingdom Come Deliverance (a realistic medieval RPG)
- Minecraft :?
You play Kingdom Come? Cool! I actually looked into the game for a while. Looks really neat. Is it fun to play? Is it as realistic as it claims to be?

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:34 pm
by Romeo
I play PC (or PC-based VR games) nearly exclusively. The majority of mobile games (and VR games for that matter) just don’t have the longevity, depth, and options that I want from games (outside of a select few). I also never really got into consoles, I’ve been using keyboard/mouse for so long that I’m terrible with a controller!

My current favorite games to play are:

- Insurgency: Sandstorm (a team-based FPS, excellent for jumping in for 15-20 mins at a time, which is usually all I have time for)
- The Witcher 3 (an RPG with an insanely large world and amount of stuff to do)
- Battlefield V (for when I want a slightly more realistic/older FPS)
- Kingdom Come Deliverance (a realistic medieval RPG)
- Minecraft :?
been watching a youtuber lately called HeyImBee, she plays the VR minecraft it looks pretty cool. She also plays some VR chat thing with a full body tracker which looks cool, pointless but funny as hell. Might get me a ps4 solely for the VR headset actually but they got a long way to go to look something like Tron Legacy lol

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:04 pm
by Eragon123
I play PC (or PC-based VR games) nearly exclusively. The majority of mobile games (and VR games for that matter) just don’t have the longevity, depth, and options that I want from games (outside of a select few). I also never really got into consoles, I’ve been using keyboard/mouse for so long that I’m terrible with a controller!

My current favorite games to play are:

- Insurgency: Sandstorm (a team-based FPS, excellent for jumping in for 15-20 mins at a time, which is usually all I have time for)
- The Witcher 3 (an RPG with an insanely large world and amount of stuff to do)
- Battlefield V (for when I want a slightly more realistic/older FPS)
- Kingdom Come Deliverance (a realistic medieval RPG)
- Minecraft :?
You play Kingdom Come? Cool! I actually looked into the game for a while. Looks really neat. Is it fun to play? Is it as realistic as it claims to be?
It's definitely a blast to play! I'd say it's fairly realistic, definitely much more so than most RPGs. It's not extremely realistic, but realistic enough that it stands out from most other games, while still being fun enough that you don't get bored playing it. The combat system in particular is quite interesting, and a little tricky to get used to - which I like. It definitely takes practice to get used to, instead of just spamming your melee attacks or having a marker on the screen showing where your arrow is going to land. It's also a little more realistic in the storyline, where you are just a normal person, not some super human hero who is feared/awed/respected by everyone. There's a lot of neat side quests, the map is pretty massive, and the graphics are awesome. I'd definitely recommend it if you like a rather realistic and story-heavy medieval first person RPG!

been watching a youtuber lately called HeyImBee, she plays the VR minecraft it looks pretty cool. She also plays some VR chat thing with a full body tracker which looks cool, pointless but funny as hell. Might get me a ps4 solely for the VR headset actually but they got a long way to go to look something like Tron Legacy lol
I actually haven't tried VR Minecraft yet. I never played Minecraft back when it first became popular, I only started a few months ago. Because of that, I've been enjoying survival mode for a while - VR Minecraft is one of the next things I want to try. Never tried VR Chat, I'm not a huge fan of socializing :? I've heard PSVR is decent, though the choices and headset quality are worse than a PCVR headset - the downside of which is that you need a pretty good computer for some of the better VR games.
It's true that most VR experiences/games are still pretty small and don't have too much content, though there are definitely a few that really stand out. There was a new release that just came out this past week called Asgard's Wrath which is one of the few VR RPGs, and by far the best one (I've been having a blast with it). VR also really shines when it comes to somewhat-repetitive experiences that give you a lot of different ways to use the same types of content. BeatSaber is one of the more well known games, though I've found a bunch of other combat games that are fun to dip in and out.

Re: What’s your favorite PC or console game?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:17 pm
by Angmar Reid
I play PC (or PC-based VR games) nearly exclusively. The majority of mobile games (and VR games for that matter) just don’t have the longevity, depth, and options that I want from games (outside of a select few). I also never really got into consoles, I’ve been using keyboard/mouse for so long that I’m terrible with a controller!

My current favorite games to play are:

- Insurgency: Sandstorm (a team-based FPS, excellent for jumping in for 15-20 mins at a time, which is usually all I have time for)
- The Witcher 3 (an RPG with an insanely large world and amount of stuff to do)
- Battlefield V (for when I want a slightly more realistic/older FPS)
- Kingdom Come Deliverance (a realistic medieval RPG)
- Minecraft :?
You play Kingdom Come? Cool! I actually looked into the game for a while. Looks really neat. Is it fun to play? Is it as realistic as it claims to be?
It's definitely a blast to play! I'd say it's fairly realistic, definitely much more so than most RPGs. It's not extremely realistic, but realistic enough that it stands out from most other games, while still being fun enough that you don't get bored playing it. The combat system in particular is quite interesting, and a little tricky to get used to - which I like. It definitely takes practice to get used to, instead of just spamming your melee attacks or having a marker on the screen showing where your arrow is going to land. It's also a little more realistic in the storyline, where you are just a normal person, not some super human hero who is feared/awed/respected by everyone. There's a lot of neat side quests, the map is pretty massive, and the graphics are awesome. I'd definitely recommend it if you like a rather realistic and story-heavy medieval first person RPG!
Cool beans! Yeah, I’d really like to find a good realistic RPG. What really caught me, too, was that it was focused on the Medieval era. I’m a nerd in all things knight-related, so haha. I think I was just worried about inappropriate adult content. Is there much of that? Or does it just depend on the choices you make? Sorry for all the questions haha.