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Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

Is walking dead just pontless violence? If the answer is yes I wanna try it I love violence.
Yea it does have pointless violence, but the drama and thrill is right there on top, not as great as breaking bad or game of thrones though, but it's certainly worth watching.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

Is walking dead just pontless violence? If the answer is yes I wanna try it I love violence.
Yea it does have pointless violence, but the drama and thrill is right there on top, not as great as breaking bad or game of thrones though, but it's certainly worth watching.
K, I might consider it.
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Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

I had to watch it like 3 times and freeze it through so many parts to analyze it all. This is like solving crime! I'm stoked on this weekends episode 90 minutes. I hope I don't scream at the TV again but I'm hoping for another jaw dropping moment.

Can't wait to take a little more focus on Daryl even thought I'm a Carol fan. I laughed when Daryl was talking to Sasha and Abraham. He looked at the sign of Alexandria first then told them both, "I have faith in you." Then rode off and left them on the motorcycle. To me it felt like in translation, "You both have a death wish. Adios amigos I'm outta here to my day one crew."
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

I knew something was missing in my life when i was watching TWD.....This frikkin thread!!

Hey y'all! Wow, been so long! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Walking dead is here!
Whelp...nothing to add to the convo right now...But! Sunday is just around the corner...so...till then ;)
Oberyn you've been missed! Definitely love the feedback.

OK most are upset it didn't get back to Glenn but I absolutely loved the Morgan time. It gave us a chance to see what led to his changes. I actually thought he learned aikido somehow after the military.

Eastman: I'm so bummed that this character didn't have a longer stay. He was awesome, I've read the Art of Peace. He would've been the peace leader of the group.

6 tear moments for me

1) When Tabitha the goat was being eaten..
2) When Morgan broke Eastman's drywall picture from his daughter.
3) When Eastman was bitten.
4) When even after being bitten he still while in pain picked up the same SOB that bit him to bury him.
5) When Morgan saw the Graves of all the walkers.
6) When Morgan asked that question the look on Eastman's face as he said "I still believe that all human life is precious."

Eastman is the reason Morgan is alive. Now I understand when Rick asked Morgan to hold Judith and Morgan laughed. Eastman was on his mind when Eastman said, "You will hold a baby again." Eastman is still guiding Morgan in his thoughts.

Did anyone else want to kick the crap out of the Wolves guy who said he's still going to still kill, even children? Omg.
Not everyone can be saved..
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

If I was Eastman and am trying to save Morgan from that walker, I'd use my freaking stick instead of using my body as a shield. For someone who is skilled in Aikido, that was extremely stupid. I hate it when writers make characters act dumb like that. I knew Eastman would die somehow, but cmon, at least make him accidentally fall in a pit of walkers or something beyond his control.

I laughed when Eastman revealed that the cell was unlocked the whole time. That was precious.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

If I was Eastman and am trying to save Morgan from that walker, I'd use my freaking stick instead of using my body as a shield. For someone who is skilled in Aikido, that was extremely stupid. I hate it when writers make characters act dumb like that. I knew Eastman would die somehow, but cmon, at least make him accidentally fall in a pit of walkers or something beyond his control.

I laughed when Eastman revealed that the cell was unlocked the whole time. That was precious.
What are your views on Glen?
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

If I was Eastman and am trying to save Morgan from that walker, I'd use my freaking stick instead of using my body as a shield. For someone who is skilled in Aikido, that was extremely stupid. I hate it when writers make characters act dumb like that. I knew Eastman would die somehow, but cmon, at least make him accidentally fall in a pit of walkers or something beyond his control.

I laughed when Eastman revealed that the cell was unlocked the whole time. That was precious.
When Eastman put his body there to protect Morgan man I screamed. I wanted to throw holy water at the TV.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

What are your views on Glen?
If Glen is really dead, then the writers really dropped the ball and thoroughly mishandled the death of an original cast member. Do you really think that's it? A vague closeup of Glen being "eaten"? The episode was really about the Alexandrians, Nicholas in particular. For Glen to die as a side note doesn't seem to fit. Heck, Tyrese got a whole episode devoted to him when he died. Even Bob had more "screen time".

Again, if you read the comics, there is an upcoming major storyline that involves Glen, and I don't think the writers will pass that part onto somebody else. But, with the popularity of shows like Game of Thrones killing off major characters, who knows? However, I think it would just be cheesy if Glen is saved by deus ex machina. I hope they have something more believable if Glen does indeed survive.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Season 6 The Walking Dead

Although quite a boring episode on the whole, I can imagine that what we have learnt from Morgan's character development might play a role in the future.

The guy from the Wolves? I think he's just following what they've been taught to do. If I were Morgan I'd eliminate the threat, but this is Morgan we're talking about. :lol:

PS...Tabitha :cry:

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