Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Energy in Update 3

The plan, as previously posted by Admin, is for skill damage/effectiveness to be tied to specific stats per class.

What this means for Mage is....

In the current live game Ice Shards damage is based on your current Skill level (X/15) and your current Ability level in Ice Magic (XXX/930). This is then compared to your enemy's resist, armor, defense....etc....whatever.

The plan in Update 3 is to have the Ice Shards damage based on your current Skill level (X/15) and your current Ability level in Ice Magic (XXX/930) AND the total amount of energy you have.

Different stats effect different classes...yadda yadda.
So lets say my shards hit 780 right now. After the update, with 5 focus, will I still be hitting 780?
I under stand that full focus means major damage, but will 5 focus keep the 780 damage?
Not sure why it would go down.
World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

Re: Energy in Update 3

But would your total energy increase to the focus points you've already spent?
For example, I have 400 energy with 80 points, and I also have 400 health, but
with only 40 points. So when the update come out, will my energy increase to

World: Mabon
Clan: Masmar/ Elite
-Rogue: Lvl 150+
-Mage: Lvl 137+
-Warrior: Lvl 125+
-Druid: Lvl 100+

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