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This game needs more active Druids!

I lead a clan with 3 Druids. We can't do Boss Runs due to the fact that I'm the only active Druid in the clan. Druids are very important to all clans even though they aren't as popular as Warriors, Rangers, Mages and Rogues. My clan is full of Warriors. Why do people look at Druids with disrespect? I can solo anything in Lir's Reach. I'm a Druid yes but if our Tanks Fromen, Trai and Ceriel aren't on I do the tanking. That is hard because I'm the only active Druid. Let me correct myself though. I can solo anything in Lir's Reach when Special Events aren't currently happening.
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Soloing anything and everything in lirs reach is not that great of an achievment for a lvl 68. I can solo everything in StoneVale except main bosses and warden quest wisps. But i do agree due to the fact of being treated with disrespect becaue i was the only druid trying to over heal the lvl 100 Frost king. He blamed me for him dieing and i was the only druid in our clan on, but better yet the only avtive druid in that clan.

So when i got blamed for us getting kill stealed on the boss i got angry. Because in acuall reality the only reason my clan got any warden or killed any bosses was because of the three druids we did have when i became the only active one it became hard. So after all the disrespect and blame i got tired of it and left my clan. Anybody that plays a druid up to lvl 16 relizes how hard it is to play as one. Then they usually make it to lvl 30 with some help but then after they relize that they cant kill things that are higher lvls they make a new toon. But any druid player who plays past lvl 65 relizes how easy it becomes.

Name: Drpeppers
LVL: 76
World: Rosmerta
Clan: None (Former TemplarElite)
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Soloing anything and everything in lirs reach is not that great of an achievment for a lvl 68. I can solo everything in StoneVale except main bosses and warden quest wisps. But i do agree due to the fact of being treated with disrespect becaue i was the only druid trying to over heal the lvl 100 Frost king. He blamed me for him dieing and i was the only druid in our clan on, but better yet the only avtive druid in that clan.

So when i got blamed for us getting kill stealed on the boss i got angry. Because in acuall reality the only reason my clan got any warden or killed any bosses was because of the three druids we did have when i became the only active one it became hard. So after all the disrespect and blame i got tired of it and left my clan. Anybody that plays a druid up to lvl 16 relizes how hard it is to play as one. Then they usually make it to lvl 30 with some help but then after they relize that they cant kill things that are higher lvls they make a new toon. But any druid player who plays past lvl 65 relizes how easy it becomes.

Name: Drpeppers
LVL: 76
World: Rosmerta
Clan: None (Former TemplarElite)
Hi there, could you give more details about the phases that the druid levelling goes through - you said it gets easy at 65 and hard at lvl 30, could you explain in more detail.


Re: This game needs more active Druids!

Well at first lvling isnt hard because you get a decent ammount of exsperience from the story line quests up to the quest a hairy situation (killing Hagvar the Hairy). By then you are or should be lvl 10 after that its almost impossible to lvl.

1. killing things your lvl or a higher lvl is impossible to kill a higher lvl mob to get a suficiant amount of exsperience to maintain a constant lvl progression.
2. the reason is because at the stages of say lvls 10-30 the only place we can try to lvl is crookback or use fettle.

1. Now as i said anyone that plays a druid up to 30 relizes how slow and hard it is to level
2. But for some reason 30-about 65 is the hardest part your spells are to week for the mobs your lvl. And if we stand any chance to survive a fight its souly based off of our heals but our spells are to easily interupted.

1. Level 65-70 for a druid is great our lightning does some damage but not much its still pretty hard at that lvl. But its only hard in stone and parts of shale.
2. The spells still are not very strong, and our healing is the only way we survive and the enemy seams to interupt you more when its a higheer lvl.

1. I am currently 78 now and once you hit 75 your lightning strike and vinse are the best thing you got for damage (if they are maxed). Once you hit about 75 your lightning strike rarly hits under 100 damage and your vines depending the enemy and its lvl rarely hit under 60.
2. Now that i have finaly made it up there i can solo just about anything yes it takes some time for say Fellbrother Master. But there are still many cast interuptions and our lightning strike is week compared to all the other classes specails.
- worrior pummle strong ive seen it hit up to 500
-rogue quick strike ive seen it hit up to 400
-mage ice shards ive seen it hit up to 800
-ranger (dont know the name of the skill they start with) but ive seen it hit up to 400
- druid lightning strike ive hit up to 303 but my average is 230-270

If you need more details feel free to ask.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: This game needs more active Druids!

I agree, i am a warrior but i think if it werent for druids, warriors would be useless. They heal others and themselves while in battle, which makes them very helpful. Case in point: today we took down king frostbelly, and EnergyK tanked. No offense energy, but you would have died several times if you werent healed. Yes, we did manage to take down Frostbelly.
Rosmerta-IseildurHeir lvl 25 warrior
Rosmerta- Aelar lvl 14 rogue
Rosmerta- GandolfMan lvl 13 mage
Rosmerta- KingsHealer lvl 11 druid

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