Celtic Heroes

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Re: Sixth floor quest rings

We are also having a hard time figuring out exactly who these focus rings are designed for. No players in our clan are jumping to equip/upgrade these. The only thing I can think of is possibly druids in a close range group (i.e., unox and likely gelebron) might like them to stay alive from chaos AOE. Mages don't typically get close enough for this to be a problem (perhaps gelebron raid will be different). Our tanks certainly wouldn't turn down 200 more chaos resist, but the 100 focus is beyond underwhelming.

This was not really much of a topic in closed beta as we were more focused on gelebron. But in live game, this is kind of a glaring concern given the time required to farm these.
Clan: Alliance
Server: Lugh

Axon, 226 Rogue
DollaBeez, 217 Druid
CecilKain, 220 Warrior
Strago, 220 Ranger
Golbez, 183 Mage

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

I think OTM designed these rings purely for gelebron. Geleb has high elemental resists as mages druids dont hit as hard but dex skills do a decent amount of damage. Divine damage and dex skills is what the message maybe that ring is sending? Are we sure its a constant +5 divine damage and dex per lvl of ring? or is there a big jump lets say at like majestic to royal, maybe a bigger jump at royal to imp and finally godly the biggest? We sure it is 100 divine damage? And i think the focus choas resist rings with hp energy, the message otm is sending with those are that most mobs are energy suckling mobs in the geleb area hence the focus and energy? and we all know what choas resistance does. I haven't tanked it yet apparently it requires 4 druids? 200 choas resist wouldnt be bad along and MIGHT(probably not tho) be worth using with the 500 energy if the mobs and boss sucks energy over time. Energy may be a huge problem. I do agree with everyone though that if it is 5 stats every level it is not worth wasting time. instead of spending 3 months getting godly for one person we are better off just getting base rings for everyone. Which is also not worth it because lets say you have 30 melee dps(rogues, rangers, some warriors..) thats only 1500 divine dmg in total you get. But all that effort where u get the same result from 2 edl rangers slinging arrows. These rings need major buffs. 300-350 choas resist is worth it, maybe make more versions of these rings assigned to each class? vit choas resist and def for tank?( we can dream haha)

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

Focus gives energy... Get rid of the HP/energy boost and triple the focus gain. Then maybe people will bother upgrading.
+1 a 300 focus ring in the end is defo worth it for a caster. I would defo take one of those if these stats were applied.

Currently a 50 focus(100 focus in the end) is a too marginal boost for too much effort.

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

Not that I would ever use the crystal ring but you gotta remember it's 100 focus plus 500/500 hp energy isn't 500 hp about 85 vit or so? And then plus the energy and chaos resist. So it's kinda like a 185 stat point ring with extra chaos resist and energy right? And I def hate the dex on the other one but the hp/energy nice and ofc the 100 divine although mines only at 75 ATM need so many those 6 stars it's crazy and takes forever to kill them takes longer than hrung w same amount of people.

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

Not that I would ever use the crystal ring but you gotta remember it's 100 focus plus 500/500 hp energy isn't 500 hp about 85 vit or so? And then plus the energy and chaos resist. So it's kinda like a 185 stat point ring with extra chaos resist and energy right? And I def hate the dex on the other one but the hp/energy nice and ofc the 100 divine although mines only at 75 ATM need so many those 6 stars it's crazy and takes forever to kill them takes longer than hrung w same amount of people.
Oh yay, 185 stat points and a bit of chaos resistance that does almost nothing for us casters.

Meanwhile you have 100 stat points on the DPS ring plus 100 unresisted divine damage. Getting 100 damage (let alone unresisted) when you're end-game takes like what, 600 strength?
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

Not that I would ever use the crystal ring but you gotta remember it's 100 focus plus 500/500 hp energy isn't 500 hp about 85 vit or so? And then plus the energy and chaos resist. So it's kinda like a 185 stat point ring with extra chaos resist and energy right? And I def hate the dex on the other one but the hp/energy nice and ofc the 100 divine although mines only at 75 ATM need so many those 6 stars it's crazy and takes forever to kill them takes longer than hrung w same amount of people.
I cbf about energy. Hp seems a bit usefull but not that necessary. All I care about when it comes down to rings is:stat points, direct damage boosts or ability boosts like firemagic.

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

I won't complain about 500 hp, but 500 energy is useless to me, 100 focus is useless to me, and I never have had a concern about taking chaos damage. There's no way I can incorporate a godly into any useable build, it's a downgrade every time.

Re: Sixth floor quest rings

I won't complain about 500 hp, but 500 energy is useless to me, 100 focus is useless to me, and I never have had a concern about taking chaos damage. There's no way I can incorporate a godly into any useable build, it's a downgrade every time.
Maybe it wouldn't be terrible to just have on the hotbar and pop it on only for the aoe. But yea if the stats I'm seeing are correct it certainly isn't a first choice, second choice, or even a top ten for rings.
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