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Pikels Guide to Riftskull Bracelets

Here is the info i have been able to compile regarding the new Riftskull Bracelets. Thanks to my clannies Deuc and Nasif for help compiling info. Additional thanks to Nando, Anglzfury, KiyKiy, and Deathreaver.

RiftSkull bracelets are dropped by bolgs, trolls and wyrms in Carrowmore Tunnels. The bracelets have a level requirement, go in wrist slot, and give a bonus to two stats.The first part of the name tells the level requirement and amount it adds to stats, the second part of the name tells which stats. For example, a Minor Riftskull Bracelet of Brawn is lvl req 145 and plus 10 to Str and Vit. See chart below for further info:

Name:............level req:..........Adds:

Minor............ 145............ 10
Lesser............ 150........... 20
Mystic........... 155........... 30
Greater.......... 160...,.,,... 40
Grand............. 165........... 50
Mighty............ 170........... 60
Majestic.......... 175........... 70
Royal.............. 180........... 80
Imperial......... 185........... 90
Godly.......,,.... 190........... 100

The second part of the name tells the stats it adds to:

Name: Stats:

Brawn......... STR & VIT
Force.......... STR & FOC
Fitness......... STR & DEX
Guile............ DEX & FOC
Toughness..... DEX & VIT
Constitution..... FOC & VIT

Guide to wyvern bracelets can be found here:
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=22500
Last edited by Pikel on Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:59 am, edited 7 times in total.
188 Druid
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Guide To Aggy Loot:
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=22212

Re: Pikels Guide to Riftskull Bracelets

Pikel is the high level loot guide maker lol. Than you all for contributing and I'll add it to the wiki and you can all tweak it there. Remember the edit password for the wiki is edit.

http://www.wisdomunderground.com/wiki/p ... lBracelets
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