Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Any ideas on new dice games?

I played this fun game where I gave this guy 21k, we both rolled and then he logged .-.
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Instagram: @celtic_tavern (I do daily uploads, feel free to come say hi)

Re: Any ideas on new dice games?

I've been considering trying to host a lite version of Dungeons and Dragons with dice dictating what happens but my battery life sux and I haven't really gone over it in my head. Would the players have to make character sheets or get flat increases and decreases to rolls based on their class? how much hp per level should they have? How would I calculate attack damage? Should I call it D and D as the "&" character doesn't display in game and folks would think I'm hosting DD? There's a lot to think about before I give it a shot but it could be fun.

Re: Any ideas on new dice games?

I created 95/5 dicing on Epona awhile back. Can be done with two or as many players as you want to keep track of.

Rules: Determine a bid amount. Someone can host, or just play with trustworthy people and the losers pay at the end.
Alternating turns, the first person to roll 95 or higher, OR 5 or below wins.

Example: Person A is playing Person B -
PA rolls 73
PB rolls 34
PA rolls 23
PB rolls 5

Person B wins. Yay! Congrats to them.

Example 2: 4 way 95/5
PA rolls 23
PB rolls 77
PC rolls 87
PD rolls 94
PA rolls 21
PB rolls 5
PC has ONE roll to roll 95/5 to stay in the game
PD has ONE roll to roll 95/5 to stay in the game
If both fail, Player B is the winner and collects the gold from the host or each player.

In the event that the first roll is a 95/5, everyone who hasn’t rolled in that round of rolls gets ONE roll to try and match it until there is a winner. I’ve had a few two man games where the first roll was a win, so to make it a little less like a blow to the gut when that happens, I changed the rule to allow one roll to match it.

The only time a person wouldn’t get a chance to roll is if they already went in that round.
Example: 3 players
PA rolls 45
PB rolls 2
PC gets one roll, Player A gets no roll to match since they already went in that round. If player C rolls 95/5, Player B and C continue as a duo until one of them gets 95/5 again etc.

The nice thing about this, especially in groups is you don’t have to wager a lot to win a lot.
Example: 4-way with a 50k bid
There’s a 150k profit to be made with only risking 50k of your own gold.

Dicing order is usually determined by the person “hosting”.

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