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Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:59 am
by Chaotic

You were speaking for your server and I was speaking for mine. Your comment was based on your server being monopolized but as a whole I guarantee that the majority of servers were not monopolized by one single clan. It's absolutely impossible with the amount that spawned for a single clan to lock them all down. Unless one clan completely gave up and let the comp have it. O.o

Anyway, It's now been been over 24 hours and I think less than 10 legacy have spawned in danu (that we actually care about and it's the same ones every time ). Even if one clan monopolizes this current event I figure they still will come out with far less drops than they did the previous one as the under dogs at the rate things are going.

Been back camping Carrow for going on two hours and nothing is spawning. One time zone is getting all the luck which makes the randomness even worse. My clan got a few while I slept but the night and morning crew is having a dry spell.
idk why you are complaining. Don't you love camping?
Yea it's awesome. Just what everyone wanted. They should bring back the 2 hour window on 180s that's how much I love it :lol:

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:21 pm
by xXzeemXx

You were speaking for your server and I was speaking for mine. Your comment was based on your server being monopolized but as a whole I guarantee that the majority of servers were not monopolized by one single clan. It's absolutely impossible with the amount that spawned for a single clan to lock them all down. Unless one clan completely gave up and let the comp have it. O.o

Anyway, It's now been been over 24 hours and I think less than 10 legacy have spawned in danu (that we actually care about and it's the same ones every time ). Even if one clan monopolizes this current event I figure they still will come out with far less drops than they did the previous one as the under dogs at the rate things are going.

Been back camping Carrow for going on two hours and nothing is spawning. One time zone is getting all the luck which makes the randomness even worse. My clan got a few while I slept but the night and morning crew is having a dry spell.
idk why you are complaining. Don't you love camping?
Yea it's awesome. Just what everyone wanted. They should bring back the 2 hour window on 180s that's how much I love it :lol:
Holy unfathomable thank god i wasn’t around for that

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:35 pm
wow 20 pages... I am stunned

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:37 pm
by Elfylolz

No single clan could monolpizie the first one. It was too much. We lost fair amounts. What I did see what dom clans getting fulls, competition clans getting fulls, smaller clans getting 5 stars and even solo players that just dual log getting 5 stars. Everyone took part in it and got far more out of that event than this. And we knew when something was guaranteed to be up so people could manage their time and participate properly. This isn’t giving anyone anything to do other than camp. Sure they may kill it but they’re gonna have to camp it for HOURS to hope it spawns and hope they get lock on it. Forums is more entertaining this weekend than the actual event so I just stay here moaning out of boredom ..sigh
just because you are lucky and your server gets to have some fun comp doesn't mean everyone else gets the same luxury
You were speaking for your server and I was speaking for mine. Your comment was based on your server being monopolized but as a whole I guarantee that the majority of servers were not monopolized by one single clan. It's absolutely impossible with the amount that spawned for a single clan to lock them all down. Unless one clan completely gave up and let the comp have it. O.o

Anyway, It's now been been over 24 hours and I think less than 10 legacy have spawned in danu (that we actually care about and it's the same ones every time ). Even if one clan monopolizes this current event I figure they still will come out with far less drops than they did the previous one as the under dogs at the rate things are going.

Been back camping Carrow for going on two hours and nothing is spawning. One time zone is getting all the luck which makes the randomness even worse. My clan got a few while I slept but the night and morning crew is having a dry spell.
the majority of servers are I'm speaking from experience you can claim oh well our opposing clan gets 1 in every 50 180s but that's like someone bankrupting every player in monopoly and leaving someone with boardwalk and being like well at least you have 1 property but don't land anywhere else champ

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:40 pm
by Criminal
This is funny..

2-3 Smolach 210 mains, smolach 200 main, 2 urchaids main, 2 gara mains, 2 natan mains, osan/5, natan/5 and some other stuff.

Not too shabby.. Its just a bit ironic that Bele which was mostly in favor of delaying the carnage gets the bosses. Then again, another week of feedbacks would possibly fix that ;)
Tadaah said about 15 pages ago “delaying the event would have changed nothing”
No good saying this again and again.. they thought they had a good idea. Until it went live they weren’t telling people what the code was. Therefore all this negative feedback would have just come next weekend instead. Try reading posts not just copy and pasting your own bud ;-)
:lol: salty much arent we?

Tadaaah also said that this event is perfect for those who want a combination of bosses and rest, while at first he said they'll use "scrips that have proven to work before". Clearly its not the same script, clearly the first weekend wasnt the same script. Others have said that had it been delayed, the feedback would have been different, which without knowing as it wasnt delayed, u cant determine that it wouldnt fix it. As Ive said, "possibly". It didnt change because opinions were too split between going full carnage now and waiting longer, so VR gave u a mix of both, which ended in a camping-fest but Id say the camping is much less than in carrow carnage, perhaps mainly because of snorri, and perhaps because Belenus was lucky enough.

Ive seen 3 ymirs total, cant deny they spawn the most, but didnt lack on other bosses. I still believe a delay could have fixed it, because then me and others who favored not making carrowmore carnage would possibly agree with making one, being less split, putting more pressure on VR to re-create carrowmore carnage. That didnt happen, and now u have this event and u can only blame urself for wanting to rush two carnages back to back which ended in a massive failure. U wanted VR to not be creative whatsoever and use the Glasgow's team ideas and work to make them a good team. Is that smart? I tend to disagree. Its their time to try out, and I prefer VR to be creative and fail and take feedback, then take no feedback, lack any creativity and just implement things that have been here before.

We dont all have to agree with carrowmore carnage, whether it is or isnt the majority's preference, and even if we do many of us didnt want it back to back. I dont blame VR for "failing" at this event, I can only commend them on trying to be creative and causing some fun (although the way they answer questions and feedbacks is done poorly), and maybe if they get feedback for *their own* events, then they'll improve by their own work and mistakes and not just copy-paste what OTM did. If we just go with these copy pastes we agree that they should have never laid off OTM and that VR will always fall behind, or we give VR a chance to make their own things, criticize them for whatever mistakes they make (because constructive criticism will gain us more than just asking for more carnages and telling VR how much better they to make them use exact same scripts OTM did) and they'll develop their own style and mindset.

Is it a successful event? Probably not. But thats how u improve, if ur only capable of using things that worked before u will not improve and it'll also lose it's taste. Not everyone just says "GIVE US CARNAGESSSS! MMMM YES X30 SPAWN RATES". As they have said, 3 days dropping 6 months worth of drops and on the other hand most of these drops being absolutely useless and therefore banked (because lets be honest almost every legacy item in carrow carnage was banked), thats just pointless and I dont see how its any better. Hence Id prefer less spawn rates, higher drop rates. In 3 days u wont get 6 months worth of drops but u will get maybe a week or two worth of drops that are actually good and useful. I rather have 10 good drops than 1000 useless ones.

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:50 pm
by Thefreeze
Putting aside carrowmore this carnage hasn’t been horrible

Today i discovered ,

2 drakes
A monolith
A spider
Some grimlings / askolds
A witch finder

Honestly I think the release just was really unlucky for VR as aside from carrowmore legacies have not been lacking (on belenus). They made legacies increased but the horrible chance that nothing spawned after releasing the event occurred. It’s not their fault they gave you an event and sadly that’s how code works. Either 1 thing happens or the others, I don’t think all this hate is deserved.

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:04 pm
by LadyNymeria
idk why you are complaining. Don't you love camping?
Yea it's awesome. Just what everyone wanted. They should bring back the 2 hour window on 180s that's how much I love it :lol:
Holy **** thank god i wasn’t around for that
I don’t want to get off topic but yea it was pretty brutal. The original window was 1 hr 40 mins with a 1 hour 40 mins spawn time ....losing time on 180 was the worst ..never knew how long it would take to get it back on track, added in the fact that this was during some of the most heated clan wars on some servers and Snorri could be reset by the (now fixed) wall glitch. So yea resets, griefs, camping...the game has improved a lot on the camping aspect for the most part and 180 is far less of a pain. Really only legacy and raid bosses are the brutal ones to camp with large windows...which is what made this legacy event such a let down. Too random and unrewarding for time spent and feels like any other day. I think last weeks event was perfectly executed to cater to all time zones and on my server specifically all clans broke even with a healthy amount of bosses to go around for everyone.

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:40 pm
by Wolfenstien
Over 30 hours now and still no skain 6 nor urchaid nor smolach 200. 6s. So so so sad.

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:57 pm
by Apples-Bele
Belenus had lots of bosses everyone come here

Re: Carnage without bosses

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:18 pm
by Arkhamasylum
This event is a joke. Might as well make a competition on most hours spent camping! I bet you that comp will be more exciting than this “event”.