Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

What is wrong with the new player experience

With DECA taking over, I have seen lots of discussions about things that need to be done to fix the game. I notice lots of people posting their ideas which is great, but I think it would be good to discuss specifically what it is that is keeping new players from joining the game, and sticking around. Here are my thoughts on the issues with being a new CH player.

1. You rarely earn your own items. When you get to quest lines like warden gear, generally players ether power level way beyond the quest and deal with it later, buy the items, or get given the items. On the rare times that these players actually fight he bosses themselves, it will typically be killed by an end game player that kills the boss in 15 seconds while the other player stands there like a clown.

2. No social aspect. I remember when I started playing this game years ago (in V2) that every time you logged on was wild. I have so many fond memories of forming clans with people or just joining new clans, chaos happening in Stonevale when a boss would spawn, and the chaos of trading before the auction house. Now it feels so dry. Just get lix and push through the zones until your high enough level the clans will talk to you. Not to mention, with the game having way more zones and way less players, it feels rare to see another person. And even more rare that person isn't afk.

3. Too many things you can't do. Well, maybe "Can't do" isn't the right phrasing. I think there are way to many things the game presents you, but the only real option is to just keep grinding mobs for weeks, because doing something hard is typically crazy inefficient. My example for this is the defectors quest in Shalemont. The game gives you this quest that was originally meant to do with other people in the area that are leveling, and I remember it being crazy fun. But now, you just grind to a high level, get on your 80% mount, and fly through the quest.

4. Dual boxing is really lame. I might get some backlash for this one, but I think that dual boxing has had a very negative effect on the game overall. Don't have a druid for a boss fight? Why recruit for your clan when you can just log on your own druid? same with when you need lures, a tank, or specific wards.

5. The beginner quests have gotten way too easy. I remember back in the day how hard killing that 3 star squire was. Sometimes you'd have too grind quite a few levels to kill him depending on what class/build you were playing. But now, just brain off and complete all of the quests. It's absurdly easy. Many of the quests can be done without even using your skill points.

These are the main things I see wrong with the new player experience. Let me know what you think of them, and also let me know what issues you see.

Re: What is wrong with the new player experience

I can only tell you of my experiences the last 6 months. First of all let me tell you that I found Celtic Heroes only by pure random chance on Google Play. There is absolutely no advertisement for Celtic Heroes other than Word of Mouth. Pushing through the Newbie area is really easy and simple there's no real strategy to it whatsoever, follow the quest line and you push through it than you're off to shelmont and the rest of Celtic Heroes world. Population ? What population I didn't start seeing or meeting people till I was actually in Stonevale and the reason why that was was because people were doing quests for items for higher level gear. To me a population is more than five people in an area. Between the Newbie area and shalmont I may have seen maybe seven people in my first week. From what I have seen there were a lot of people using gear that was meant for higher level characters I mean it's kind of funny that you see a level five character riding a tier five mount or even see people using elixirs and going from level 10 to 30 and under 30 minutes. Me personally I think lixers are destroying the game because people now have the ability to go from one to 100 in under a week. The grinding aspect that the game is meant for is no longer there it's no longer suitable everybody wants to be in the end game. Well I have learned from many conversations I've had with high level characters that after level 160,170 the only things left to do is kill bosses, what's the fun in only doing that. Another aspect that I have found is that it is not easy to make in-game gold. Some if not a lot of people will not agree with me on that but I found it very strange that when you go to the Lux dealer in shalmont that there are items that are meant for the 35-40 range that cost 120k,150k, and it amazed me that how is a 35 to 40 level character supposed to have that kind of gold when I was at that level I was lucky to have 10K in my bank and if I wanted that kind of money all I had to do was spend real life money and buy plat. Me personally I have been gaming since 99 and in all the games that I have played I have never spent real money on in-game currency. Now dont get me wrong TBH i have used the free plat games to get alittle plat to get skill slots which in my opinion should be free. Which leads me to the other aspect of the game if you want an item you either join a dominant Clan and wait your turn to receive said item or if you're not in the clan then you pay the clan price at the auction. Dominant Clans is another issue of why some servers are dying,why they have no population,because you either do what the clan wants you to do or you buy it their prices or you just never get said item or items.
I have been on six servers (now play only on two) and of the six servers every server has had a dominant Clan or two and those dominant Clans run the servers like their own personal fiefdoms and running the economy into the ground you pay their prices or you don't get the items.
Celtic Heroes they need more content,more lands to explore for higher level players. Maybe throw in some static dungeons. Maybe a new class or two. To be honest I don't know if a server merger would cure a lot of problems or create more. Deca definitely needs to advertise even if it's in a small way cuz Word of Mouth is not expanding the game in any shape or form.
This is just alittle of my two cents and thoughts.

Astram 145 Rog. (Lirs)
Nevik TuMarr 115 Rog. (Arawn)

Re: What is wrong with the new player experience

The issue regarding around gold is easy to explain. Back in the day the way the developers made money was by releasing stupidly overpriced luxury gear that you could only obtain by spending money. Chests didn’t exist yet. As time went on and gold became hyper inflated the developers could no longer use luxury items as a reliable money source so they switched to the contents within chests (tokens for example). Luxury item prices remained high because of inflation in the higher levels, while the rate of which you receive gold has remained mostly unchanged for much of the lower levels since the launch of the game over 11 years ago. Gold was extremely hard to get back then so they could monetize luxury items.
Luxury gear are still overpowered items in the lower levels that are necessary to have a good experience. Even as you progress and the need for luxury jewelry drops, luxury offhands are still a necessity they’re are no other methods for obtaining an offhand until the later levels which requires you to join a dom clan to obtain.

I agree with you also that dom clans have become a center point of most of the games issues today. Even if dungeons were to release today the issue with dom clans won’t be solved because you’ll need gear from the open world to complete those dungeons, gear that only the dom clans will have. It’d be nice to be able to play and progress the game normally with a small group of friends which is simply not possible because of dom clans.

The one server with no dom clan, Epona, is a lot better in regards to the freedom you have but it is vastly overpopulated because of its popularity/population (the only true server that’s not dead), and it also suffers from severe inflation.

The way I hear about games is not through traditional advertisement, it’s through trailers, YouTubers making videos about the game, and game news sites writing about it. You need a good game to achieve 2/3 of those things. The YouTube attention is nonexistent, and nobody writes about this game because it’s not interesting in its current state. I mean most of the servers don’t have more than 2 people in the social space meant for players to gather around and socialize. Most of the day they’re completely empty.
Now the game does have a trailer that was made years ago, and maybe it helped somewhat, but clearly not enough to have a massive impact.

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