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Status on the Latest Update

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:59 am
by Difinitus
Hello Heroes,

A month ago, we shared with you a little preview of some of the features and changes we anticipated to release to you in July. We were confident to share the news with you based on our team’s production schedule and the information we had at that time. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I want to remain as transparent as possible. Due to shifting workloads, the development team is postponing the July Update. I know that a whole bunch of you were looking forward to it, and we’re hoping to get it back on schedule soon.

Rest assured that we are still fully committed to the future of Celtic Heroes. We’re still working on the things we gave you a sneak peek on, and we plan to use the extra time to add some additional features to the update. In the meantime, we will host regular week-long events both in the game and within the Community until we are able to share further news about the next update.

We appreciate your feedback on what we shared with you so far which helps us prioritize on what you want the most.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Celtic Heroes Team