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Sulis History

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:18 am
by Aceliral..
Made a video on the history on Sulis dating back to 2011. Thought id post here for anyone interested. Comment if i forgot something :)

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:50 pm
by justsomeguy
Your history recap is not correct so it is probably safe to assume the rest of it is crap as well. Enjoy yourself with those fine upstanding citizens. They would certainly never hack anything just like they would never take advantage of younger players and scam their accounts. Your revered leaders were experts at that, heck they even stole a few accounts off each other. Just don't share your account info and you will be fine.

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:22 am
by Robert
Dear Phule,

Upstanding Citizens:

TLDR; these guys are getting strong enough to kill Aggy, let's grief them.

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:07 am
by Aceliral..
Your history recap is not correct so it is probably safe to assume the rest of it is crap as well. Enjoy yourself with those fine upstanding citizens. They would certainly never hack anything just like they would never take advantage of younger players and scam their accounts. Your revered leaders were experts at that, heck they even stole a few accounts off each other. Just don't share your account info and you will be fine.
Hey man, as you can see from the title, the video was purely my experience on Sulis and what i have witnessed. I would love to know what i got wrong or if i left something major out considering you have been playing longer than me. I have never heard of any leader of 1337 take advantage or scam anyone in the game, but i dont even see how that is relevant to what i said in the video. I said that since i joined, I have only witnessed a friendly, competent clan, much like ret were when I was in ret. I am not denying that some players may have had a regrettable past, all I am saying is that this clan, since i joined it, I have seen the transition from a perception that is quite heavily orientated around opprobrious activities from long ago that have attatched to certain players, to a fair, strong and respectable clan.

I'm not sure why you are so hostile and defensive? For the first time in 5 years, ret is not the dominant clan on a server and you immediately resort to false acquisitions of crit and divine hacking? Like i said about speed hacking, I heavily discourage exploiting it, and I know for a fact it will be exploited (If it has) no more by any member of 1337. I don't even see how it could affected outcomes of bosses regardless, seeing as we have someone camping raid bosses as they are fall due 24/7, and all the lock battles i have been apart of have consisted of 2 full groups...

I have seen screenshots of the ret line chat and all comments regarding the video have been along the lines of 'bs' and wrong, however not justified with reason? I have no intention of starting a fight on the forums, you guys just need to understand that the critical strike proc chance can be manipulated through your build. I would encourage experimentation. Taking a screenshot of 5 strikes in a row with general chat filter is not any proof of hacking and is completely possible.

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:41 am
by justsomeguy
Ahh, that screen shot brings back memories. What you don't share Robert is the background to that when you and you band of merry miscreants did every dirty little thing you could do to make life on Sulis miserable. We just decided that we would give you some of your own medicine. It was fun, then it got boring, so we went back to business. But thanks for reminding me, made me smile.

Ozaxo/Aceliral, out of respect for your uncle and cousin I am not going to comment again on your post or your reply, I am just glad you are happier where you are, just be careful.

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:36 pm
by Aceliral..
Ahh, that screen shot brings back memories. What you don't share Robert is the background to that when you and you band of merry miscreants did every dirty little thing you could do to make life on Sulis miserable. We just decided that we would give you some of your own medicine. It was fun, then it got boring, so we went back to business. But thanks for reminding me, made me smile.

Ozaxo/Aceliral, out of respect for your uncle and cousin I am not going to comment again on your post or your reply, I am just glad you are happier where you are, just be careful.
What an arrogant, condescending comment man, how do they have any relation what so over to this? You are portraying some false sense of superiority over me, i have no idea why, maybe my age compared to yours? You are being insulting and telling me I wrong with no factual evidence to justify yourself what so ever and then you create an excuse because you're wrong?

Re: Sulis History

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:37 pm
by Robert
Ahh, that screen shot brings back memories. What you don't share Robert is the background to that when you and you band of merry miscreants did every dirty little thing you could do to make life on Sulis miserable. We just decided that we would give you some of your own medicine. It was fun, then it got boring, so we went back to business. But thanks for reminding me, made me smile.
Did you suddenly forget what pre-emptive means? Pre-emptive means you're doing it without good reason other than to stop a potential threat. It's funny you're attempting to change the past, even though it's in black and white on that picture.

Instead of saying where Zax was wrong, you jumped to attacking people's character. In my modest opinion, that's very unbecoming of the new leader of the second strongest clan on Sulis.